Geomerging walls, gametype placement, weapon choice. help me!

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by extreme 96, Nov 17, 2008.

  1. extreme 96

    extreme 96 Ancient
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    I am curently forging a new map and i was wondering how to geomerge walls. I tried it and it came out to be a disaster. What method do you use to get you walls geomerged good and striaght?

    The map I am forging is large using all of foundry except the back hallways and those rooms connected to the back hallways. The team's bases are located in the back of foundry. where should i place the flags and or bombs for assault. For assymmetric games where should i place the hills and the oddball spawn.

    Names. How do you come up with good names?

    Last question, what do you think rocket launcher ( specify how many clips and respawn time) or spartian laser( respawn time?) where should i place it, high up or low to the ground?

    Any help is helpful, and answer as many of my questions as possible (no you dont have to answer all). Pictures and videos are extremely helpful.
  2. Re Amplify

    Re Amplify Ancient
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    First off here is the best video on how to geomerge:

    It shows how to do it with a double box put just do the same thing with a wall.
    Second it depends what your map is like on the object/spawn placements and for the rocket/laser situation. Can't really help if we don't know what the map looks like in general.
  3. xSharpshooter94

    xSharpshooter94 Ancient
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    there you go!
  4. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Walls are the hardest, you need to surround them with teleporters, then place the door on top. Press "A" then save and quit right away. Don't wait too long or the wall will save crooked. It may take a few times for someone just starting with walls.
    Maybe you could start off with a corner wall just to see how they work.

    Gametypes are specific for every map you will need someone to come and forge over your map if you want them to be able to tell you where to place the objectives.
    Personally the bomb pickup can be in front of the base, and the plant spot should be under about 60% cover. Hills should be equal in cover, so both teams have 50% chance of getting to it. (EX: dont have only one entrace.)
    Flags are different, you should have them both near the back of the bases, but once again it depends on your map.

    Names are also a self dependent idea.
    You could always ask others, try to 1,000,000 PPC thread. Most of the people there will respond in a matter of seconds.
    I like unique names, not like dictionary names but ones that i can relate too or are funny sometimes work.
    Although dont go funny on a competative map, go with something like "Reventon" or "Hysteria"

    Rockets- Large maps, use 2 rocket launchers with no clips.
    Small maps- dont use rocket launchers, snipers work better, and more people like going for them.

    Laser almost never gets used in competative maps so just forget that.
    Also i prefer you use drop spawn weapons, make things easier on yourself.
    But make the snipers spawn every 2 minutes or so, unless you are playing short rounds.

    Hope this helped a little bit.
  5. Given To Fly

    Given To Fly MP Level Designer
    343 Industries

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    walls - surround the with fencwe walls and put sender tele on the thin sideso it holds the top of wall and bottom. then doors on top will work just fine, unless you want a crazy angle... then they dont always work out..

    DONT PUT A SPLAZER ON FOUNDRY its too small of a map, and it ends in annoyance...
  6. Dr. Chombie

    Dr. Chombie Ancient
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    Jesus Y35! What's with you and the great guides today for all of these threads? You're a genius.

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