hey guys i am not new bbut i have never geomerged with the crane before cuz i havent had the need to. i am guessing it is like normal geomerginging except up into the crane or into it form the side, but i wanted to know if there was a trick to this that made it really simple or something so that i dont have to waste time doing it "the long way" if there even is one. sirry if this is kinda confusing but all i want to know is if there is a trick to this. thx EDIT: i checked forge 101 already!
Yea I have absolutely no clue what can be done with the crane exactly but I have noticed something. On the crane the yellow flashing light, it appears to be very sexy yet not solid if you were to take lets say a double/single box [open] and fit the thinnest side to the light, the light would merge through into the box, now you do have a very crooked box if you were to save-quit float it, but this could make for an interesting transport tunnel like demonstrated in Scop's Piegarsi.
To geomerge into the crane you're gonna first want to float either a double box/wall or a bridge flat onto the bottom of the crane(save&quit) with enough room on the side to get a single box on it. Then you put down your single box and for the side braces and the doors to push it through, just stack boxes and walls till you're high enough. Toss a teleporter as a top brace and you're good to go, just a normal geomerge.
hey teerav. there is also a way that includes the box pushing method and save and quit geomerging. try both ways and see what is better or easier for you.
He pretty much said it all, I am just going to say it in the way I do, which is kinda different from his. This is what I do: I put 3 boxes on the side on the crane so it has like a backstop. Then, I put bridges around the side where the box can just slip in. What you do it you have One box right next to the crane( dont spawn at start) then put another box a little away from the crane. Once your frist box pops up, grab it and should slid right into the crane. Good luck!
also if that doesn't work for you. Here is a video I found in youtube Its pretty good. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WbsJ0TMFp_s