Hey guys most people who know me on this forum (which is hardly anyone) knows that I suck at Geo Merging:squirrel_blush:, Therefore I've come to Forge Discussion the lovely thread that is where I require help So I've been doing some research on the web:squirrel_chatting:, and cannot find anything of use so I ask this is it possible to Geo Merge double box opens on Standoff or Ratsnest? Or possibly even Fenceboxes or Bridges? I'd really like to know because I think I've come up with an awesome concept for a competetive Standoff map but I'll need to know if I can Geo merge this map first:squirrel_eyebrow:? The scenery section on Standoff leaves us with: 8 Weapon Holder 8 Double Box Open 8 Fence Box 8 Bridge 32 Fusion Coil 16 Crate 16 Barrel 16 Barrel, Small 16 Crate, Single 16 Camping Stool 8 Radio Antennae 16 Drum, 12 Gal 16 Drum, 55 Gal 16 Generator Small 8 Radio set 8 Pallet 8 Roadblock 16 Street Cone 14 Barrier 8 Barrier, Short 8 Barricade 16 Propane Tank 16 Missle, Body 8 Forklift 8 Wirespool 4 Grav Lift 8 Shield Door, Large 8 Shield Door 8 Man Cannon 4 Soccer Ball Other immovable objects: 8 Sender Node 8 Reciever Node 8 Two-Way Node 4 Overshield 4 Active Camo 4 Custom Powerup ------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe after writing this thread out I have thought perhaps interlocking a Bridge sideways into the Double Box Open or Fence Box then do the usual procedure? Anyway I'm really interested in knowing this Lots of love Chicken P.S. Yes I think these squirrels are pretty cool:squirrel_rubberduck
Since there aren't any object with any sinking properties like the doors on Foundry, Blackout, Ghost Town, or the Energy blockers on Avalanche, you have to use the old fashioned way. When dealing with Standoff's terrain (rat's nest should be easier because of its flatness), I'd first use the tops of the default bases to align the box (or whatever the object is you are trying to merge) in whatever direction you wish while still making sure its flat. Then hover the box just barely over the ground in which you wish to merge it, and save/quit it into place. You can brace the box on the outside with other boxes, but teleporter nodes would be easier, save quit them as well tightly against the outer sides of the box. Tell the braces and soon-to-be-merged box to not spawn at start for a while, and spawn another box in roughly the same spot, only higher than the original. Save/quit it into position. The height of this box will dictate how far the merged box will be into the ground, so take note. Now go back and make the braces and soon-to-be-merged box spawn at start again, and make the higher box not spawn at start for about 30 seconds. Start a new round. Once it starts, fly to your soon-to-be-merged box and grab and hold it into place, keeping in in the braces. Once the 30 second mark hits, the higher box will spawn, forcing the box you are holding down into the ground. Hope this helps, and remember to be patient above all things, it may take a few (a lot of) tries to get it just the way you want. EDIT: I'll see if I can get some screenshots up later today to hopefully help out a bit more
I just pwned lights at a merge off on standoff. He can tell you all about later when he shows up with pics of my merging.
I did it perfectly with the so-called old fasioned way in Hangar 02 V2. I find it works better, anyway.
Thanks guys you've really helped now im having doubts with my map idea well using one of the bases, and including an outdoor section all closed off for FFA Gametypes but it will probably fail but hell ill upload it but not worthy of my almighty sig... EDIT Is this humanly Possible?
I agree, its dead accurate if set up correctly. Not quite as fast as doors though. I only use doors when its a quick small one that i know i can do evenly with doors, other than that I use other boxes
Thats very possible, it looks like. You just need to brace it right with bridges or whatever is immovable.