Hey guys, I remember in Halo 3 somebody found a way to geo-merge vehicles, and i was wondering if anybody has found a way to do it in Reach, or if its even possible?
You could probably still do it, but movable objects update much faster in reach so if it is really merged with anything other than the permeable parts it will get really glitchy.
I actually tried doing this once. The vehicle just blew up every time. And yes I did geo-merge a vehicle in a map I made in halo 3. It sure would be a cool feature though.
i would still kinda like to try it out, how did you do it? maybe there is a way to stop it from exploding
OK so Ive tested on many different types of objects and vehicles. It is not possible. I have tried it every halo 3 way that there was and it is not looking good. I Can get vehicles to be merged into the blocks YES, however, As soon as you touch an area of the block where the vehicle is merged into it pops out. So you could use the aesthetically yes but is it practical, no.
If you have a 4x4tall with a warthog inside it, the warthog will pop out. If you line the sides with other pieces the warthog should bounce around inside.
Well that sucks I had a pretty neat idea for a map that would be awesome if we could get that to work. Also Laanders, I just realized that your room is the same colour as mine.... GTFO of my room!!!