Genocide is a series that My productions with a couple of friends started. We're Known as the KatanaCousins Our series is about a city, that has been plauged with 'The Rage Virus' The Rage virus causes the people who are infected with it to gain enourmous strength, to loose thier mind/memory, turns their skin an unsightly pale green color and makes them faster than the average zombie. The story for this machinima is the city has been threatend to the all new plauge virus, most of the citizens have fled but there are two men stil living there. they are working on a bomb to drop on the city and kill all life, but leave the buildings to still stand. mainly to wipe out the infected. one of the men was working on the bomb when the other man came up behind him with a pistol... he had killed his friend because he thought that his friend would get infected and then turn on him, causing the bomb to never get finished and the last two men be left for dead. ~~~~ here's the Youtube Video Link, BUT BEFORE YOU WATCH, READ THE DESCRIPTION! Genocide Introduction Video ~ KatanaCousins YouTube Profile ENJOY!
The angles are a bit bad, but I like the intro, and it looks okay. I would see it though. Cannot wait. Contact me when it is done.
episode one should be up soon, script is fully written and im getting together the actors, so maybe a couple weeks or so..?
Just watched the Intro. Seems really cool I really like watching machinimas, so I will wait for episode 1
hmm... does ep. 1 start b4 intro or after, bcuz if it is after, then were is the dialogue if there is one person? doesnt look all that great, but it was just an intro, so, ill watch ep.1 cuz im a machinima fan then decide bout it