I really like the oragami screenshot! It's original and nice looking. Others are like you sadi, a bit generic.
I really like the first two. They're simple, but artsy and effective. Keep up the good work, and hopefully we'll see some more screenshots like these in the future?
Well, this is my style. I usually just wait until I have at least 5 screenshots and then post them all at once, though.
Definitely the style I like to see. Solid, intuitive shapes and colors, provide a really advanced set of senses, and the set overall feels like modern art. Oh, and nice return to screenshots! Havent seen you post in a while, Blue!
Origami is your best. It is original and the colors are perfect. Landscapes and Painting-looking pics are my fav. Nice work!!
PaperThinWalls and Black Theorem were two of my favorite photographers when I was first starting. PTW takes some of the greatest landscape shots, while Theorem has great control over the colors he wants in his shot. These are two techniques and styles that I try and combine, while still adding some originality to the piece.
i liek teh retr0z. How do you make it? Juicy or something? Or is it Nova? Or both? lol, Anyway they all look great (especially retro), keep up the good work.
I believe it was a juicy filter, a flare, and a grenade/regenerator combo. It's like making a good soup, you need a little bit of everything.