Hai thar! I'm Celestial Panda (obviously), and just want to take the time to say hello, nice site you got here, etc I've gone and read all the FAQs, How to's, rules and stuff. I've posted on many a forum, so don't worry, I know how to post =P I love forging, one day I hope to make the most kick-ass CTF/Assault map evar! I write how I talk, so those misplaced A's and other letters should be there =D Aaaaand I'm off! Hope good days are had by all, I'll be back to post maps and have fun later. Bai!
well how do you do :] welcome to the wondrous forgehub, where you will find not only forging help and technique's, but you will find some of the most entertaining people and threads around. Stick around and you'll be sure to enjoy our forgehubiness.