I made a general music thread so i got this idea to make a movie thread. Its essentially the same as the music thread except with movies. So feel free to discuss your likes, dislikes, favorites, etc.
Indeed it was. I find that Quarantine actually made me jump a few times. But the ending dissappointed me, like the cause of everything.
Its not a bullshit thread. Kthanks. Im actually trying to discuss everyones interests. So you can go somewhere if you dont like it.
Im dont really have a favorite part. Do you? Btw i think that one of the best alltime movies is The Warriors.
I really like the part where he manages to beat the crap out of the other Assassin. I forget his name.
oh well i have no idea of names ha. I have realized that plenty of movies are being remade though. Writers are running out of ideas. I would really like to see a lot of fresh new movies coming out. I know there are some, but i would just like to see something that hasnt been done before.
lol i cant believe im the first one to say this, but i loved the dark knight, i went to see it 3 times... yah...
Sozin's comet duh! Btw I had it recorded, but my dad delted it so now I have to find a new way too watch it lol
i saw it three times too. but was with my girlfriend all the times. Only because it was the longest movie out at that time, off topic! but anyways yes i liked that movie. One of the better ones this year.
there are a few movies that i can think of that are excellent. the godfather, pulp fiction, taxi driver, the exorcist, clockwork orange. there are many more, those are just a few.
i completely forgot about that. That movie was undeniably great. I would love to own it. Tha Strangers was pretty good too.
I found it funny at times, and scary at times. Just sometimes the bag on the head made me laugh a little. Im not too sure why.