Everyone who has the chance should check out the stream tomorrow. They'll potentially be showing all the games included in TMCC. It should be interesting to see how the game performs on dedicated servers. IGN Live Presents: Halo: The Master Chief Collection – IGN First - IGN
Yeah. It seems like this happens with every game. Normally just the hardcore/MLG playlist gets increased movement speed but in Halo 4 110% movement speed become the norm for the whole game after the turbo update right?
If you've been watching H2A closely, you've no doubt already seen the remastered version of Ascension called Zenith. However, if you're like me and you can never get enough Halo content, well...you're in luck. IGN just released a map tour of Zenith, with commentary from original Halo 2 multiplayer designer Max Hoberman. In addition to the map tour, we have new gameplay from Zenith.
Master Chief Collection talk with Max Hoberman and Dennis Reese (Begins at the 14 minute mark) Also, according to Ryan McCaffrey of IGN, we WILL be seeing forge covered on IGN this week. Ryan McCaffrey on Twitter: "@DadabTheDeacon Yes, you will!"
Are you a fan of ranks? IGN First gave us a bit of information on them today. Frankie gave more detail via Twitter. https://twitter.com/franklez/status/527564969467203587 https://twitter.com/franklez Additional info to be released possibly in the weekly update, and next week for certain.