well you have 12 teams with 4 qualifiers at $30,000, 8 teams with 1 qualifier at 15,000, 6 teams with 1 qualifier at $5000, and 6 teams with 2 qualifiers at $5000. It seems off to me, but then I only got to grade 12 math.
The 1.7 million prize pool is for the actual tournament. Tournaments in minor regions dont warrant big prize pools. Europe has a bigger prize pool for their region and higher teams in it because they get 4 slots at worlds. Other regions have smaller allocations because they dont have a big player base for Halo.
I get the concept, the numbers just aren't consistent. That's fine though, I'll just accept that there is more happening behind the scenes.
The numbers not being consistent is a design by choice, you can't justify giving Asia the same amount of spots/funding as north America or europe
6 teams ,1 goes through at $5000 6 teams, 2 go through at $5000 (2 teams out of 6, when we just did 1 team for 6) 12 (2*6) teams, 4 go through at $30,000 (that's 6 times as much cash at double the team size) 8 teams, 1 goes through at $15,000 (so 3/4's the players [out of 12] but only 1 spot and half the prizes wtf?) This is what I meant by no consistency. As I stated in my last post, I have already accepted that there is more going on than I can see. Please accept my acceptance of this. Note: Asia is the largest continent on the planet and has almost 50 Countries within it's belt. (however I do understand that this is about player density) Let's now focus on anything someone else wants to say about this exciting competition.
If you've accepted it then stop bringing it up (then complain about Asia being big in the next paragraph) Yes Asia is massive but nobody plays halo there so the tiny prize pool and 1 team advancing is justified. It's really not hard to understand, it's literally not meant to be consistent, but you are referring to the lack of consistency .
I need your help 4chub, I've been away from the game for a few years, I can only play weekends, I'm probably a bit old to be playing games and the reactions time aint what it used to be and I wasn't that good to begin with. I've been a big Halo fan since playing online back to H2 and my best ever rank was 40 in team snipers in H2 but these days I'm rubbish at Halo, but having been in similar situations in other areas of life before I know what to do, besides a lot of practice I need to do some study. Time to knowledge up a bit, tactics, map knowledge, trick jumps, etc. Can anyone please tell me some good websites or youtube channels where I could find out a bit more to help me get my game going a bit, I don't want to be really good just not suck I've always just played the game for fun, it is just a game after all. PS Loving Halo 5 BTW, you're either a glass half full or half empty kind of person, and I'm a half full one, despite a little repetitiveness in the campaign I think 343i have really knocked it out of the park! What a great comeback after the disappointment of H4, I personally rage quit H4 forge because of no precision movement the first time I booted it up and never placed one item in it. The art of the campaigns levels is the most beautiful things I've ever seen in a game, but I'm not really a big gamer I just play Halo, me and my best mate are the same, I met him playing Halo 2 when I heard a fellow Aussie accent and found out he lived five minutes away... been great mates ever since (get a room)
Thanks for taking the time to post such helpful info, but I went one better and punched a hole in my chair and cut a hole in the floor underneath the chair, and now I'll save money on water too. Anyway I heard a rumor that your not fat and you drink diet sodas so maybe I should be wary of taking your advice!
He actually owns his own gym, and is well-known for his workout videos. I heard he's got a commercial in the works, so business must be booming. Don't trust his advice. His ultimate goal is to destroy the competition. Whether it be the local gyms, or the other forgers.
Haha, how dare you say I go to the gym or own one, I cannot argue with the last one based on the number of maps I've posted.
Within the last week, two new movement techniques have been discovered. Fast Fall and Slide Boost. Fast Fall drops you to the ground much faster than normal. It can be really useful when dropping to a lower level. Slide Boost propels you massive distances quickly, and can be really useful when crossing open sections of a map. I haven't had a chance to play around with these myself yet, but from what I understand both techniques use the same button sequence. Doing it on a downward ramp will result in a Slide Boost, while doing it at a drop off will result in a Fast Fall. The button sequence is relatively straight forward: While sprinting, thrust just before you reach the ramp or drop off, and then slide immediately after. (Note: Maintain Sprint must be turned off in your options) Fast Fall http://xboxdvr.com/gamer/JB Neckzilla/video/13004807#t=9 Slide Boost http://xboxclips.com/LowGi/46354901-047c-4080-a6e0-097b17425c1d/embed http://xboxclips.com/lMerce/dc9bd2b7-c666-4fba-bdfb-70e7cb8db2ef
It's gonna be interesting to see how this plays out. It could be cool like BXR or totally game breaking. Also wondering if the guys are 343 are the type to patch this even if it turns out well.
Check out this slide tactical jump I did on Plaza - pretty nerdy. https://account.xbox.com/en-us/game...LIC&scid=03a80100-9ff3-46ea-be76-e00e7fe465df
I don't have anything resembling a solid source, but supposedly Quinn has said it's working as intended. It's kind of weird how many areas seem to be designed for this movement. The one across Plaza is a good example, but there are also several on Eden and Coliseum that seem like they were tailor made for this movement technique.
Well not only does it look dumb, it just makes no sense. I also really don't like the Idea of adding in glitches in on purpose to "catch lightning in a bottle" a second time.
I don't think it's a huge issue, it creates a larger but not game-breaking skill gap in movement, just think about wavedashing and teching in Smash Bros.
This imo is no different than the Ghost Jumps in Halo 3 or Ghandi Hopping which they purposely put back into the sandbox. It just creates new ways for players to move around and once it becomes common knowledge you will prob get punished for trying it.