Author: anime halo Map Name: Gen Updated Version: Gen Updated Even More Version: [Gen] Map Canvas: Forge World Map Size: Large Player Count: 8-16 Supported Gametypes: Capture the Flag, Infection, Juggernaut, King of the Hill, Oddball, Slayer, Team Slayer, Territories, Head Hunter, Stockpile, Assualt __________________________________________________ Description: I present GEN... Gen is my first try at slayer maps in a long time...This map is an inclosed area located on part of the island. The map is made for BTB (Big Team Battle) and has all of the gametypes excluding assualt, race, invasion gametypes, and some of the more random gametypes such as insane and chess. The map fuses both metallic and natural feel to let the player feel the balance and the map also has a balance of gameplay even though it is aesmetric. Map updated with many changes mainly dealing with aesthetic improvements. *Major Aesthetic updates all over the map. *Gravity lifts added. *Teleporters added. *Power weapons added. (People asked for more so dont look at me...) *2 Health packs have been added. Added Updated Include: *Roof removed. *Fxs removed. *Added Aesthetics. *Fixed gametypes for territories and stockpile. *Fixed Spawning. *Added gametype Assualt. *Added more kill barriers. I will add more pictures for the updated version in time... Now to show the map... This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 74KB. Updated: Even More Updated Version: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 73KB. Updated: Even More Updated Version: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 80KB. Updated: Even More Updated Version: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 77KB. Updated: Even More Updated Version: This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 89KB. This image has been resized. Click this bar to view the full image. The original image is sized 800x600 and weights 74KB. Updated Version: And I now have a map Overview! RED TEAM SIDE: BLUE TEAM SIDE: Power Weapons and Vehicals: All x1 Ghost Sniper Shotgun Sword Plasma Launcher Gravity Hammer Concussion Rifle Grenade Launcher Focus Rifle x2
I always tried making a map with an idea like this but I could never get it to turn out right. I love how it is enclosed all the way around and has land and trees in it. great map.
This map looks Hella kewl! really like the idea of putting a mountain inside of a box DLing this fo sho! the one thing that i would have to question.. based on the pictures.. is that i spy a ghost in there and that might possibly maybe screw up gameplay a little. But i wont know until i play it! nice job!
i dont think the ghost will harm gameplay, it will probably function similar to the ghost on isolation, it will be a power weapon but with the close quarters and the platforms from whch people can ambush it it will be very difficult to use....
Thanks for the comments. Now for the comment on the ghost, Killenjoke was correct the ghost functions as a power weapon but is hard to use on the map and is often destroyed. This would be why the blue base does not need a vehical, the ghost is simply another power weapon that so happens to spawn at the red base.
I like the area you chose to build in, as well as the quality of the screenshots, but the map design itself, especially your object choice, is still ineffective and sloppy. If I were you, I'd go study other, more professional maps that use natural terrain to see what they're doing right compared to yours. This just looks like another rushed map of yours. Put more effort into making your maps and I might finally have an opinion that isn't so negative.
4shot...first of all you add no help to this map by your comments. Saying the map is sloppy and ineffective without telling me what objects could be edited to improve the map does not help. Have you even looked at the map on the xbox instead of just glancing at screenshots? If not then your making no points, just trolling which I do not appreciate. You also state that I should look at proffessional maps. Would that be any maps you have made? No, you dont even have any maps submitted on forgehub or xforgery...So how can you be so critical about a map you havent downloaded and looked at or having much knowledge about creating maps on halo reach? I will give you points for posting something positive at the beginning but thats not the point in the end. THe point is not if you post positive or negative on the post, it is if you can back up what you say and help the map forger improve the map in any way if you have something negative to say about the map. I hope this helps you decide what to say next time you post on one of my maps for Im sure you will decide to eventully. Overall Im just asking you to back up what you say and help me fix what is wrong without giving negative remarks that are set to destroy the person forging. Good Luck...
Again with the ignoring feedback, only going with the positive. You haven't changed. If you don't wish for this poorly designed map to improve, don't look at what I have to say. Look at something by Noxiw or Draw The Line if you want to see just a few examples of "professional" maps. And you say that I should have to download it and looked at it...What, did you use different objects in the downloadable version? I think not. The object choice is present in the screenshots and the actual file. I only keep truly great maps in my HDD, not maps that are garbage in almost every way. The saddest thing is that I can already tell from the screenshots. With that being said, my controller no longer works, so even if I did decide to play this map, I still couldn't. Learn to take feedback in the future and you might not continue making some of the worst maps in Forgehub. I'll leave this thread now since I know you're just going to make another ignorant comment defending your map. Goodbye.
Thats what I am referring to. You do not actually look at map and then tell me how terrible the map is without telling how to improve. Sorry you feel that way, but I have other posts that can benifit me more than yours.
I like the look of this map. I've always found the walled in synthetic environment aesthetic appealing. Its very pretty and natural but still feels foreboding and dangerous. You've captured that feeling perfectly. The map looks clean and neat and ultimately very well put together. Nothing really stands out as being a big problem gameplay wise, but I haven't actually run a full game on it. Perhaps I will add gameplay feedback to this post when some friends get online. Until then, congratulations on a cool map.
Thanks for the comment. I was hoping to make the area seem like it wasnt of forge world as much but instead its own place. I also wanted the map to seem clean and well put together in the middle of the chaos and natural environment. I guess I did a good job by how you precieve the map and its look. I look forward to see how you think the map plays. Have fun. XD
I want to quickly address your points that you've made. 1) Your map is sloppy, as are the overwhelming majority of halo maps. It's hard to find a good map that isn't your average forgeworld map. As for telling you what objects could be edited, that's uneeded because that's up to you to come up with. I personally am not going to design your whole map for you by telling you what to do with all of it. I will give you advice because that is what you wish for, just hold on. 2) The people that don't make forge maps are probably the best people to critique your map, because they aren't biased towards what you can and can't do. Sure, people that make forge maps can praise something different and new about your map that is difficult or innovative to do. However, somebody that doesn't know the workings of forge views a map for what it is. If to the player it looks sloppy and unstructured, who cares if they know how to make a map? The average player will look at it the same. 3) Saying only positive things about maps seems to be normal here for forgehub. But to be honest, lots of the maps that are released here need some serious changes. I'll start out with the positive, because that's all people seem to want to hear. Positive: Your support columns look like nice aesthetic structures (pic 5). Negative: Your bridges that are made out of the large inclines don't look nice. Sure they might be there so that you can walk under them, but I think you can do better and should use something else to achieve the same effect. Get rid of coliseum walls. The maps that use them as boundaries are ugly. They really are. IF you want to use them as boundaries, camoflauge them. You can do this by adding other structures to the walls to make it look like they aren't barren. You can do better. Your structures do lack creativity. They are all boxy and your bridges in one of your pictures dont even look like they line up properly. (top right of pic 4) I can't help you with this one, you have to figure out how to make your map look nicer. You have a medium sized map, for BTB. That can sometimes work out for you, and sometimes it cant. It looks like you can only get up to those side structures/catwalks with a teleporter? If this is true, I'd change it. You don't want to have teleporter-only accessible areas. Especially when they allow a height advantage. Way too many power weapons. Eight power weapons/ vehicles? That's overdoing it. You're probably young, so I won't be too harsh, but try to work on your grammar and spelling. If you can't take the truth about your map, then I feel bad for you. If you want to advance to making better maps, you have to listen to what people say, instead of "nice map! I love how it's enclosed but also has trees in it!" Those kind of comments are honestly spam, and don't help anything but your self-esteem. Best of luck on future maps.
Im going to reply to this now because you have made me happy believe it or not. THANKYOU DieHardAssassin for doing what I want other forgers to do! Some points on the map are off because you havent played the map before; however other comments on the map are very helpful and I will be sure to look at to improve the map. For instance, the structures with teleporters did have other ways to access them and during tests for the map people wanted me to add power weapons, not remove them. Now with all the aesthetic features you describe that could use work I can agree on and will see what I can do to improve on the look of the map next time I forge on the map. Once again thankyou for being one of the few people that will tell me what needs to be done on the map to improve it! [br][/br]Edited by merge: I have done updates to the map and the map has had major improvements. Please feel free to comment on the improvements.
Wow, this is a really great idea the maps looks really fun, and i have not seen anything like this before, i've never thought of something this way great job
I love the natural landscape paired with the enclosed room feel. Kinda reminds me of a Spartan training facility or something.
This map loks pretty epic, looks nice that you brought out the color of green in this map. Did you use filters? One problem would be high-groung-advantage. People way low might not have a chance if they were to get team DMR'ed. The map looks pretty good though nice job.
Thanks for the comments on the map. The filter on the map is purple and nova if I remember correctly, so you can have fun testing the filters if you want. Now with the DMRs, the map is suprisingly well covered for the most part because of the natural structures including the trees which makes sure that people having a harder time team dmring on the map. The higher ground is also hard to camp on the map for the most part because of the mulitple pathways you could use to get to high ground which for the most part will create an even flow of people and greatly decrease the camping on the map; however people can still experience team DMRs if the team is not careful.
Great looking Map ya have here. Reminds me a little of my old map, Final Fronteir... Interesting concept... Great idea in making use of familiar terrain in an unfimiliar way. Reminds me nothing of Paridiso and i like that. Honestly this would be nice for a change in BTB (if i still had my Xbox... sigh...)
Thanks for the comment! I have done some more updates by the way so please look at them and comment on them. Thankyou.
Wow, this map looks really nice. i like how there are some really tall buildings, it seems like the map would play really nice with 4v4 or in a big team battle. i think it was smart to build on the colosseum walls too, the walkways are awesome.