this map was made by me solo172. it is the third in the line of maps that are based in the center of a small town. the back story is the geeza72 experiment has ravaged the world with zombies and mutants hybrids. some have survived for a long time in the small towns. this is a map you would not want to miss. also includes the gametype: geeza72 experiment. 7 individual buildings all include weapons some alleyways 3 main streets lots of hideing spots : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing :Geeza72 city 3 gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing :geeza72 experiment Update: here is a video featureing the map if you want a closer look.....
you need more pics. but i do see a little interlocking. which is good. make sure to apply that more in your next map. for a first post, this is better than most. nice job. keep forging. edit: i think i see a way out. theres fence walls in the back of one of the pics. you can grenade jump that. or is there high grav
Yeah you cant just paste pics directly from bungie. You have to save them, then upload them to photobucket. Then copy the IMG bar under each picture and paste it in your post. They won't show up any other way. Nobody else post just to regard the issue of pics. He has the idea now.
here are some other maps: geeza72 labs 1: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Geeza72 bunker:
there is high grav on geeza72 city 3 gametype plus if you get out your ****ed no wepons or ammo ou there.
just do what you did here. but put in 3 or so maps instead of one. but you can't include maps you posted already, like this one. ps people get out of maps, simply cause they can. some people are just weird like that
looks pretty good, add a few more pictures and i might download. i love urban maps and there arent enough here forgehub so good job.
if you click the link the fileshare post has more maps dont want to post all the pics will take up to much space.
This map seems alright for one of those shoot out maps... Pistol anyone??? I did not see interlocking on your map... But I think the bridges were interlocked...
the looks of it kind of remind me of gridlocked but i like the story behind it lol don't see much interlocking from the pics but i dun really care looks aight
I think the first map looks very well made for a map without interlocking. I will download your other map too because I think it looks very cool.