I dropped the jumbotron on a Spoiler lambent berzerker. He disappeared and reappeared on blue spawn. but i guess if a Spoiler hammer of dawn cant kill him then a ton of electronics and screens cant.
Would make an interesting tactic. Couple of guys out there in the field trying to draw the locusts or lambent out under it with one guy in the concession stand to shoot it down.
Shoot the glowing orb in their chest. But it only shows up right before they charge. Takes a long ****ing time to kill them.
Yesterday afternoon when I was editing the video for Acacia, my friend was playing the campaign on hardcore Spoiler ..and was on the part with the berserker. I swear he was battling it for 20 straight minutes if not more. I can't imagine what insane would be like.
Torque Bow is best and fastest if your pro. Boomshot would be second choice but there are less shots. and yes target the weak spot they speak of is a must.
Me and Phillly10000 each had a hammer of dawn trained on the one we were fighting before you logged on the other day and it took no damage. It's damn hard but **** do you feel like a boss when it does go down. The last game that made me feel that pumped after a boss fight was Metal Gear Solid 1, after finally beating Liquid for the fifth ****ing time in the story.
insane's a party theres one checkpoint halfway through that makes it pretty do-able, but **** does it take long
The multiplayer is great, it's all I've been playing. Though the sawed off shotgun makes me rage...they need to nerf it or something
Aside from the Spoiler Lambent Berserker fight and Spoiler Carmine living like a badass , I thought this campaign was rather weak and uninteresting. It literally made me feel nothing at all. Aside from that though, I do love the multiplayer portions.
Spoiler I thought the campaign was mundane. I didn't feel any emotional attachment, and it felt separate from the series. Everything seemed a bit cliche too. It didn't seem realistic that Dom would end his life blowing up a gas truck to kill all the lambet/locust. What if he ended up killing everyone? Just senseless imo. The only real interesting part was the end. Although there was so much repetition, like "MORE BACKUP" and "hit all the switches while dozens of guards try to kill you." Just wasn't very well thought through. As someone else had said, I'd almost like it better if everyone died as a form of tragic heroism or something. Also, the use of swearing was kinda ridiculous. This one's campaign lowered the bar for me, even if there's a language option lol Although the multiplayer is very fun.
I had no problem with the campaign. I liked it. I love the multiplayer, even if I have nearly broken a controller because of ****ING SAWN OFF's.
^Yea I agree. i enjoyed that campaign. I think they really outdid themselves with the Spoiler underwater level. And the... Spoiler Leviathan boss right off the bat was a great way to start the game! I think there were a great number of Spoiler boss battles spread throughout the game which is a must for Gears titles. Is it just me or do these remind anyone else of classic Jurrassic Park arcade game?
You just now saw that? And yes I did the same. Spoiler I think they did a really good job making that cutscene sympathetic. I mean, I didn't even get emotional when Sargent Johnson died in H3.