Gears of War 3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bloo Jay, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    I'll look forward to joining you when you do.
  2. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    So I rented it, and marathoned it with a friend last night. We did the entire campaign without stopping, followed by finishing 12 waves of beast mode on Mercy, followed by getting shat on in Horde, followed by quite a bit of multiplayer.

    The campaign is amazing. The story is amazing. And because I want to talk about it, Imma put the story stuff in a spoiler. And stuff.

    The story itself is amazing. The gameplay was fun. It was varied, although some parts felt a little grindish.

    Dom's death was actually emotional. Anya and Sam are badasses.

    Carmines "death" was pretty awesome, and the scene where he picks up the helmet at the end was just like "**** YEAH". The ending was a pretty cool guy.

    Uh, yeah.

    Beast mode is really fun, although Mercy probably wasn't the best map to play it on. Once you unlock Armored Kantus and the Berserker, you just annihilate absolutely everything in your path.

    Horde is fun, but it's quite tough. Well, it is on Checkout when you're a horde nub. We levelled up our stuff a bit there, and then played on the trashball field. That was a lot funner.

    Multiplayer. I love it. I genuinely love it. But at the same time, I ****ing hate it.
    I'm not an angry person. I rarely rage. Even in the most bullshit of situations. But this game has almost cost me a controller. Every time I die in multiplayer, it just gets me amazingly frustrated. But the thing is, I just can't understand it.

    For instance, Sawn Off shotgun. I hate them. So after getting wrecked by them, I decide to give them a go. So I run straight up to a dude, and he's within melee range. And I shoot, and he doesn't die. So I swap back to my Gnasher, because I think it's total crap. And then I start getting killed from ridiculous ranges that never work for me.

    Along with that, there are times where I just absolutely wreck, my shots are hitting perfect and I don't feel all bullshitty, and I'm going 15-3. But most games, I end up going 3-15 or something similar. I suck ass, but no matter how much I look, I can't find a way of improving, unlike other games where you quickly learn from your mistakes and get better.

    Anyway, I love it because it's genuinely great. I ****ing despise it because I suck so much ass at it.

    My last point is: The weapon skin thing is completely bullshit. You have to pay 320 points for a skin pack that should genuinely be in the god damn game anyway. It's kinda stupid.
  3. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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  4. Titmar

    Titmar Le Mar du Teet
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    Neo, i had the same feelings about the MP when i tried it last night.
    i feel like the other modes of the game are awesome enough that it warrants a purchase for me anyway, but i dont expect to ever enjoy GOW multiplayer. hated it in the first one, still hate it now.
  5. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    Hammy and Gnasher. I like your style, sir. Gotta love that one guy sprinting all the way across the map with his DBS... As for the video, it was good quality, and filled with ups and downs. I'd like to see it with commentary.
  6. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    vice, the way you play is how everybody should play. if there were less idiots running around with sawed offs id like the atmosphere of the game a lot more. You and your team were marking enemies too, which is a rarity.

    hammerburst/gnasher ftw
  7. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    lancer/gnasher yo.

    lancer headshots do 1.5x damage. it can down faster than retro or hammerburst if you get some headshots in. also i dont like how they moved the hammerburst active to the back. beta hammer>beta lancer, but now i like the lancer better.
  8. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I feel the same. I down people a lot quicker with the lancer than I do the Hammerburst. I just prefer it.

    I hate the sawn off. IMO, it shouldn't be in the damn game in the first place.
  9. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    I played it the other day because my cousin brought it over. I have a problem with the colors, the first Gears had a moody filter and the dark colors were more dominant. It seems like they up the contrast way too much.
  10. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    I'm finally playing back at my house now. This is the first time that I've ever actually preferred playing a game on my own rather than split screen. Playing split screen online sucks, couldn't see ****.

    My gameplay ability has also just jumped. I'm not getting pissed after every death, I'm not dying all that often, and I've learned one important thing: I ****ing hate TDM.

    Not sure what it is, maybe it's the spawns, or the mapflow. All I know is, I much prefer one life matches. I was playing Execution on Sandbar earlier, and my entire team died straight away without kills. 5v1, and I killed them all. Best feeling ever.

    I also find a lot less people being cheap idiots with a sawn off in One life variants, and I love that. Wingman and Execution FTW.
  11. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    this game would be so perfect without the sawed off... such a shame.
  12. Rushed Pancake

    Rushed Pancake Forerunner
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    It is called hammerburst and gnasher! FTW!
  13. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    i got to agree that TDM is an evil gametype. Sure ive had people spawn on me in the middle of a battle. But i was in a spawn zone so i deserve what i get. I like TDM because it forces me to be aware of everyone's position [LB] and to deduce where my opponent might be. Maps like checkout are easier to see the flank but on maps like Hotel i get flanked all the time.
  14. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    So, what I'm gathering from this thread is that I should rent the game and beat the campaign, but comparatively the multiplayer sucks. Just like the first two games.
  15. CaMOfo

    CaMOfo Ancient
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    Eh.. I loved the multiplayer on the first one. The second was ****, I'll agree on that. And from what I've heard the multiplayer on this one is awesome. Rent it and if you like it, buy it. It's what I plan on doing.
  16. CHUCK

    CHUCK Why so serious?
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    it's solid as **** for sure, just not a game play style for everybody.

    a fan of GoW1's multiplayer should love it
  17. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Multiplayer has never been better. No clue where u got the idea that we didnt like the MP. Being spawned on is solely in respawncentric games like TDM,KOTH,CTL and its usually you own fault for spawn camping or not moving from your spawn. Overall its a million times better then GOW2 MP.
  18. Neoshadow

    Neoshadow Forerunner
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    Pretty much this. The multiplayer is amazing, it'd just be a lot more if not for a couple of quirks, mainly the god damn sawn off.

    And I loved Gears 1. Gears 2 sucks.

    And when you're playing on Gridlock, and Mad World starts playing, it's the best ****ing thing ever.
  19. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    Anyone managed to drop the jumbotron on someone yet on thrashball?
  20. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
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    I got caught under it once. Forgot what it said when I died, it was like my second game on it.

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