Gears of War 3 Discussion

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by Bloo Jay, Sep 3, 2011.

  1. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Surprised there isn't another thread about this yet since it's one of my top games for this year. Gears of War 3 launches in about 16-17 days from the time of this posting.

    I posted this on my facebook:
    And it's true. What do you guys think? I guess first. Are you getting it? It seems to be highly overlooked because of games like Halo: CEA, MW3, BF3, etc. But I don't believe that should be the case. Gears has an amazing story in the times of multiplayer dominance.

    And in the trailer I posted above, some games' trailers can't continue to give you the effect 10 years from now. Gears is different. At least to me, as soon as I heard the music, even before looking at the video, I had a tear come to my eye.

    Brothers To The End.
  2. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    I've always thought Gears felt like you were playing a movie because of the emotions throughout. Campaign looks to be great, but I'm more excited about the Multiplayer, which was great in the beta, and I can't wait to see the additions in the full game.
  3. Shanon

    Shanon Loves His Sex Fruits
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    You take your videogames pretty seriously. Congratz.

    I'll probably be picking this one up, mostly because their campaigns have been really solid from each installment.

    Multiplayer in the game is fun, especially Horde :D
    And from what I've read, Horde is looking to be much more epic than the first version.
  4. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    gears is easily my favorite shooter franchise out there. amazing campaigns are expected, plus to add to that gears 1 had the best multiplayer experience of any game ive ever played, hands down. gears 2 multiplayer was a bit of a disappointment, but i still enjoyed it more than any other console games multiplayer except maybe halo 3. and judging from the beta, gears 3 looks to be back up to the gears 1 level of multiplayer. i cant wait.
  5. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Gears 3 looks like it blends gameplay from 1 and 2, with dedicated hosting to reduce host shotguns. That was honestly the only reason I never played very much of the other two games multiplayer wise.
  6. Wood Wonk

    Wood Wonk Ancient
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    host shotty usually wasnt too bad. but when it was bad, it was really bad, and it did get annoying at times. but i loved the gears 1 shotty so much i didnt really care. even it was 4 against me, i could still win the round 4 out of 5 times if i got them all into pretty close quarters so it was an all shotty battle, even if they were all together.

    also, i cant wait to play gridlock again. heres all the maps

    Checkout – Checkout's combat takes place in the carcass of an abandoned superstore. The shop owners tried to move their inventory with a closeout sale in the weeks leading up to the HOD evacuations, but ultimately had to walk away and leave everything to time and history. The intense close-quarters combat of the store aisles makes every decision important. Weapon selection is key, cover is essential to survival and every move has an impact. When facing your enemy, remember what the sign says: "Everything must go."

    Drydock – Much has been written about the beauty of Seran culture, but people often forget the backbone of industry upon which it all relies. This shipyard stands full of undelivered goods and the necessary tools of a society's infrastructure. Its most prominent landmark is the rotting husk of a cargo ship that will forever stand in Drydock.

    Gridlock – This ashen street was once a bustling tourist destination known for its quaint inns and waterfront cafés. Even the water is gone now, replaced by the burnt shell of a crater that stands as a testament to the loss of Seran humanity.

    Hotel – Small island resorts such as this one catered to the opulent tastes of vacationing Serans. But as the Lambent infection spreads across the globe, tides are shifting to flood once popular beaches, and fierce winds batter and push at the walls of humanity's creations.

    Mercy – This area was once a bustling town square filled with people, but it never recovered from the UIR mortar shellings of the Pendulum Wars. Emergence soon followed, and the already heartbroken residents were shown no mercy by Locust forces, leading to an almost immediate evacuation. This large and open central square is surrounded on all sides by sheltered passageways and buildings. A raised dais yields powerful weaponry and a view of virtually everything within range, but the power located there must be hard-earned and well-protected to provide any lasting advantage.

    Old Town – Several remote areas of Sera managed to stave off the impact of Emergence for quite some time. Island towns such as this one were able to sustain themselves with small farms and a steady bounty from the ocean. But all good things must come to an end, and eventually they could hide no more. This is an excellent map for team-based play, with multiple areas that are well-suited to both attack and defense scenarios. A well-executed plan will often reap great rewards, and an enemy caught unaware can be flushed into a trap like a chicken free of its coop.

    Overpass – As the Lambent infection spreads across Sera, the planet is quite literally falling apart. And as the substrata beneath this forgotten overpass begin to disintegrate, the entire city block is collapsing along with it, sliding into a vast underground cavern. Head for the high ground or you just might slide along with it. Battles in this highly dynamic map often focus around the elevated Overpass, where teams can hole up and take advantage of the protected position and emplaced weaponry located there. But gaining the high ground can also be a trap, as the team left below will most assuredly use mortars and orbital lasers to regain their lost footing.

    Sandbar – This observation post once had a commanding view of the distant horizon. Never threatened, it was thought to be impenetrable due to its unpredictable coastline and the constant shifting of sandbars along the shallow water of the coastline. And it never did fall; it was simply abandoned when humanity fled from a threat that nobody could ever see coming.

    Thrashball – This stadium was once home to a different sort of national hero, one who fought for honor and glory, instead of scrambling for survival. The invigorating roar of the crowd has been replaced by the melancholy moaning of wind in the empty stadium seats. Stadium matches are no longer restricted to the playing field, and the team that controls the concession stands earns a great advantage. The scoreboard still keeps track of every point earned, but its frayed support cables also make it a precarious trap for anyone foolish enough to run underneath it.

    Trenches – The Locust have begun to carve mines and tunnels into the rocks of the Seran Deadlands, eking out any existence that resembles the underground passages of the Hollow they once called home. But this harsh environment is as relentless and unforgiving as any enemy they've ever had to face. The Locust Trenches are small and tight, with clean lines of sight across virtually the entire battlefield. The central hill leads to a fortified bunker with a strategically important vantage point. Once taken, it is rarely surrendered, unless opposing forces can manage to sneak up under the cover of a passing sandstorm that leaves everyone blind for a short while.
  7. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Same Gridlock from the previous games I'm guessing? Such a necessity.
  8. Definitely going to pick this game up. I really enjoy both the first and second. Sadly, I can't get my Golden Gnasher because of the Gears of War 2 Rank Reset Glitch. I was a legit 96 when I got on and it reset. :'( But anyways, this game looks amazing, I was able to participate in the Beta which was very satisfying. Gridlock by the way looks very much better now.

    Gears of War 3 - Gridlock Horde 2.0 Exclusive Gameplay (HD) - YouTube

    Simply can not wait any longer.
  9. QKT

    QKT Ancient
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    i have a ps3, uncharted 3 is going to be way better than this imo. although gears hasnt ever been bad.
  10. Bloo Jay

    Bloo Jay Ancient
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    Oh my god... the lighting from the moon... That is beautiful.
  11. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    I've just realized how badly I want this and MW3. Up until now I was convinced that I'd only be getting CEA due to the daughter I'll be having in the upcoming weeks. Now I'm thinking about trading in a bunch of games in hopes of enough for the two. I don't really need Dead Space 2 anymore..
  12. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    My rule of thumbs is if Shanon buys it so do I. Plus this is liek the only shooter i am legitimately good at. And since GOW2 multiplayer sucked so much, i still need a good sequel to GOW1
  13. availablemoth

    availablemoth Forerunner

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    You know oddly enough I never did care for the multiplayer part of GOW. Yet, I have bought everyone just because the campaigns are always so amazing. They really do know how to tell a story, and add a lot of emotions. Not to mention the fact that horde was amazing, and horde 2.0 looks like pure awesomeness.
  14. TantricEcho

    TantricEcho Ancient
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    I haven't bought a Gears game yet, I usually borrow them for the campaign (which I love). I'll have to see it first.
  15. ShaddoBlade

    ShaddoBlade Fuzzy Little Man Peach
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    After watching those videos, I'm even more pumped. The Horde one was especially cool, but it made the Silverback look kinda pathetic. I think I would rather upgrade walls/turrets and save money for weapons/respawns.
  16. Skisma

    Skisma Creative Force
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    So I pretty much payed this off with trade-ins. I gave them Dead Space 2, Halo Wars Limited Edition, GoW 2 Limited Edition, GTA IV, and RDR Undead Nightmare and you know how much they gave me? 53 dollars! I know I got ripped off but I don't care because now I'll have GoW 3 :)
  17. Vicious Vice

    Vicious Vice Ghosts of Onyx
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    Im super excited for this im going to the midnight release in NYC so i can meet the cliffmeister.

    Edited by merge:

    Double Post. Just got the new Gears a few hours early im looking for guys who got it to pwn online. send me a msg por favor.
    #18 Vicious Vice, Sep 19, 2011
    Last edited: Sep 19, 2011
  18. Waylander

    Waylander Ancient
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    lol Skisma, all those trade ins. I gave them Fable III and my second copy of Reach and that covered it.

    Also, The campaign was merciless.
  19. Transhuman Plus

    Transhuman Plus Ancient
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    Feel free to add me if anyone is doing a 4 player campaign run, or just wants a complete Matchmaking team.

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