I'm obviously not the only one anticipating this and this is probably not even close to the first thread about this, so I'll get in to it pretty quick. If you don't like the first game or you won't get this one, don't bother replying because I don't give a **** whether or not you play. I'm not going to argue. If you don't like it, cool. Don't bother trying to insult me or anyone else about it because it's just a ****ing video game. This thread is for two things. To archive as many Gears of War 2 videos, screen shots, articles, etc. as possible for myself and anyone interested so they are easier to find and they are all in once spot as well as to see who else is interested and their thoughts. I'll start with some videos. Touch The Sound - Video about the sound affects in the new game. The Weapon Design - Video displaying many of the new weapons and such. Multiplayer Footage - Little bit of multiplayer on one of the new maps. Co-op Footage - Part of a campaign level. 2 player co-op. Campaign Footage - Early campaign level. Single player. Trailer: Rendezvous - Trailer set to the poem Rendezvous by Alan Seeger. Post some articles, pictures, or any videos you find. As I said, I'm mostly using this thread as a place to keep a lot of Gears of War 2 information and such for my own gain, but all those interested in the game can benefit from it and use it as they see fit.
I'm thinking about getting it but I never played through more than the first two levels of the campaign (I never bought it). Would I still enjoy the second game? (Maybe I'll see if I can rent the 1st one.)
Cliffy B said in an interview that the first Gears of War was supposed to show very little story and be all about the action, so you didn't actually miss much of any kind of story. All you really need to know is what you figured out for yourself in the beginning. Locust are bad guys, humans are getting slaughtered. You need to kick some ass. You would definitely still be able to enjoy Gears of War 2's campaign as well as the multiplayer. They tweaked the gameplay in a lot of ways to fix many of the problems in the first game. The rolling shotgun technique will not work nearly as well as it used to because bullets actually have stopping power now. You could rent the first one if you want just to be safe, but I really don't think it's necessary. Trust me, you don't need to play the first installment to enjoy all the gore that's going to be in this one. Woooooooo....
I think you probably would. The first one didn't really have much of a story so you didn't miss anything but the 2nd one is suppose to have a much better story. Anyways, the online play is where it is really at. Takes a lot of skill and teamwork and isn't really like any other online shooter out there.
Who cares what game mode you're chainsawing people in, you're still chainsawing people. It doesn't get more badass than that.
i hate when people just chainsaw you from behind. or even when they just run striaght at you, and you shoot at them, but they dont understand that it wont work and they keep trying.
I was referring to the other team trying to chainsaw all the time like idiots, giving you free kills. Perhaps you didn't understood what I said. Related: How dare they use a feature built in the game!
no it annoys me when the other team does it. i dont care care if i can kill them easier, its not fun and it pisses me off.
How dare they attempt to use a feature that was intended to be in the game! How does it piss you off? Grow up.
No actually I never chainsaw and I rarely get chainsawed. The second I get GoW 2 I'm setting my default weapon to hammerburst lol.
Perhaps you don't get the point I'm trying to make. Nothing about gameplay. THERE IS A ****ING ASSAULT RIFLE WITH A CHAINSAW ATTACHED! Do you have any idea at all how many that is? I am comforted in the fact that I am somewhat on the same level of manliness as every other man in the world because I will never be as manly as an assault rifle with a chainsaw.
what the hell are you talking about grow up? the chainsaw is for losers who cant get a kill any other way.
Or it's for people who want to use the chainsaw because it's ****ing cool to see someone get cut up? I could shoot someone easily, but if I get a chance to chainsaw I'll do it because it's badass. Don't think that just because they use the chinsaw, they can't use anything else.
yeah but 1. it takes no skill and 2. you are completely vulnerable and 3. it looks way more bad ass to blow someones head off with a shotgun or longshot
Well if takes no skills to chainsaw, but you are leaving yourself open. It has it's ups and downs. It's part of the game. It's a huge part of the game. Opinion. Nothing is cooler than chainsawing someone in half.
Gears 1 was amazing even with it's flaws. And with improvements all across the board, gears 2 will kick even more ass.