As many of you may know gears of war two has a brand new capture the flag mode. But instead of capturing a flag you have to capture a person and drag them to the destination. The mode was called "Meat Flag." But Microsoft changed forced Epic Games to change the name to Submission. I myself am disappointed and wish to know why?
Cause Microsoft wants the game to be child friendly. I mean, they made them put in an option to turn the blood into sparks... It's ****ing stupid. This game isn't meant to be played by kids so stop giving them options. Soon they'll start bleeping out the swear words...
First thing that came to mind when I heard Meat Flag was something along the lines as Fap fap fapping. Idk why though
They still have the gametype, though, that's a ****ing brilliant gametype. Though, just imagine (hate to bring politics into this) if Palin were vice president Jan. 20... We'd be ****ed (we = gamers)
How come tex? Also, Their is a GoW2 thread alredy *better tex?*
>.> Because she was trying to get the violence toned down in video games? Toned down as in removed practically? EDIT: ty d-man.