Just shoot the golf balls with the gauss hog to score. The gametype will keep track of points. There's also a beam rifle up behind the gauss hog that can be used if you just can't hit the targets with the gauss cannon, but I wouldn't recommend using it. The beam rifle is way less fun to use then the gauss hog. It can be played alone, or with one other person. No more then two people (one on red team and the other on blue) can play. *sigh*, posting things on forgehub never ends well for me.
Shall I redirect you to my minigame http://www.forgehub.com/forum/reach-mini-game-maps/126389-whitechocolaterain.html
Your map is definitely prettier then Gauss Challenge, but I think that the two maps feel very different.
What? Your map and Rogue's are quite literally one in the same. If you think there is any difference between the two, then you obviously didn't read through his link. In both of your games, you attempt to shoot golf balls into the enemy court for points while deflecting the enemy's attempts at doing the same. I'm trying very hard, but I can't seem to find any significant difference in gameplay between either map. It seems to me that you've more or less stolen Rogue's idea and claimed it as your own. The only real difference here is that Rogue spent a large amount of time perfecting his map aesthetically, while you simply threw together a few blocks and implemented and already-existing scoring system. Your map also doesn't seem to support large parties. I believe you should give some credit to Rogue for literally creating the idea behind your map. It's fairly obvious that you simply took his map and re-did it as your own. The very least you could do is mention his name somewhere in the OP.
now now, dont be so harsh. simply because they had the same idea doesnt mean that he stole the idea and knew it. the only real thing we can prove without a confession otherwise is that rogue posted his sooner. jumping straight to accusations is no way to go about things.
Exactly, and if you feel someone has stolen a map, report the thread and let a moderator deal with it. Otherwise, posts concerning who had a map idea first is offtopic, and should be warned. Now, carry on.
Edited because I realized I was being a total asshat. I'm sorry if it looks like I stole his map. All I can do is say that I did not. What's more likely, that I would come into this forum, look at a map, decide to steal it and post it in the same forum two weeks later or that him and I just both decided to make a shooting gallery. Saying that these two maps are the same from reading the writeups is like reading one paragraph about soccer and one paragraph about hockey and coming to the conclusion that they're the same. It's a reasonable conclusion, but you just have to play both of them. I recognize that his map is prettier then mine, and probably a more fun basic idea then mine, but in a way, that's why I came here. I'm not posting this to say "LOOK AT ME, I'M THE BEST FORGER IN THE WORLD". I'm not quite that delusional. The only way for me to grow at this hobby is knowing what I'm doing wrong and what I can do better. That's why I came here.
LOL, you obvously didnt read this thread. the other one is about deflecting the balls into the other teams court. THIS one, is just simply shooting balls, nothing more.The other one is designed for a bunch of people(4 warthogs on each side+4 people with focus rifles), this one is made for solo, or 2 player.
Ryuu, I appreciate the defense, but all getting angry is going to do is get my topic locked, and get you a warning. As much fun as sending this thread off in a blaze of angry flames sounds, at this point I would rather just have it fade out so nobody else gets angry.
sorry, ill edit my post. Its just stupid to me. you made a cool map, but all they see is balls, and Gauss hog,and they say you stole it. when other users act as idiotic as this, i honestly dont care about getting a warning. i mainly come to forgehub to get saw maps for me and a friend to play. i am no longer in large custom game lobbies so i have no need for 8 player maps. I like the maps, its pretty fun so far, the only things i dont like about it so far is the special effects, which is just my personal issue, and if you can shoot a ball right when it spawns, you can constantly hit it over and over and get points really fast. Oh, and also, be careful whats in the background, sometimes the ridicule disappears with the sky being the same color.
I do need to randomize the balls more, but the issue is that the more randomized they are, the more likely they are to hit each other and then bounce out to the scoring zones. I can combat that right now by putting all the grav lifts at the same x (maybe z) coordinate, so when the balls bounce off of each other they stay on the same plane. I'll probably have to rethink that part of the map to make it more random. The filter helps the players see their reticules, and in my opinion makes the skull fountains look cooler.
i know most of the balls collide a lot, but you did a good job of making them not fall out of the area. Maybe you could make another version where there are no way points and the balls, and move them back a little bit so it will take just a little big longer to shoot.