Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Idea: Me (SybrandyXxX) Made by: Me (SybrandyXxX) and Ironfst24 Today is a new day a day when infection and racing meet, yes I said infection and racing in a whole sentance twice. About half the track is racing rest on foot. There is lots of cover for those who wana walk, flares and bubble shields. You must download gametype to or people can get out with ease. Lots of fusion coils so sniper can get groups and make it funner. One Honour rule: If you find a way out don't go out. I couldn't find any. If you don't download gametype make evryone very heavy, give humans swords and magnums/Plasma pistols, Zombie just snipes, and no respawns. DOWNLOAD GAMETPE OR MAKE EVERYONE SO THEY CAN'T JUMP The main point of this is to get to the zombie and kill him before he snipes you. Now onto what everyone looks at pictures: Human Spawn^ First turn/First area^ Ramp (shortcut too, try to find it)^ Get off mongoose or keep walking here^ Half overview^ Now where HNT: Door, Grav lift/Custom power up.^ Grav lift leading to zombie/sniper^ This is zombies view. (Missing most but you get it.) Map: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing Gametype: : Community : Forum Topic Listing : Forum Reply Listing This is my second map, enjoy.
looks interesting and original. are there any other weapons on the map? and what weapons do the humans/zombies have?
Humans in gametype have plasma pistols and swords and zombie has just sniper, I tried with snipes and sword and it wasn't fun so yeah. No weapons it is like a racing/maze/hunting and get custom power up map except you get it to open a door.
Ya know what might be cool and funny? Give the humans swords and make like a reverse infection gametype! LOL! But this sounds very interesting...I mean, a race in infection? I don't quite get the objective, but it's intriguing.
Thanks, and don't forget gametype. If not make everyone heavy and give zombie snipes with 150% damage and humans a sword and plasma pistol and no shields and no nades, but ability to pick nades up.
And don't forget to give the zombies and the humans unlimited ammo, and set it so that the players only have one life. And, I've been thinking of making the humans do no damage until they pick up the custom powerup. What do you think?
Good idea, but it hasn't been a problem so yeh. I will be on later tonight with a blank canvas with unlimited money glitch to make it longer.
looks creativ and theres a good amount of cover, u just need to double stack some walls and straighten some stuff out
Hey, did you base this map off of Gauntlet: Dark Legacy, because it looks and seems exactly like Gauntlet.
The games for original Xbox: Gauntlet: Dark Legacy. My friends and I spend hours on end just playing that game, it addictive.
I don't know... seems O.K. From what I;ve heard from other replies, you must have messed up something with the spawn weapons. I'm not goign to download cuz I don;t have too many friend that play custom games. Cool idea anyway.