
Discussion in 'Halo 3 Casual Maps' started by Sarge525, Jan 16, 2009.


Map Quality

  1. Bad

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  2. Mediocre

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  3. Average

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  4. Good

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  5. Great

    28 vote(s)
  1. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Infection based map with multiple chambers, in which each chamber becomes progressively harder to survive.

    Map Variant
    Game Variant
    (NOTE: Must play with eight or more players)

    Map Overview
    Within each chamber there will be gates that become activated at certain intervals (they will raise upon touching). The two raised gates will allow zombies in, which the humans must fight off. After some time a central gate will activate (marked by the custom powerup above the door) which will allow the humans to progress through to the next chamber. If the humans fail to progress they will become trapped and thus doomed to run out of ammo and die.

    Zombie Hub Room


    Within this area, which is the zombie spawn, every chamber can be accessed. The doors will light up according to whether the gates are activated or not. A blue-lighted door is the furthest chamber where the gates are active. A purple-lighted door is an old chamber but the gates are still active. An unlighted door is a chamber where the gates are inactive. The hub room can be accessed from any chamber by procceding back to the room you arrived in the chamber. If you can't reach these rooms there will be platforms that spawn after the chamber closes off.
    After 45 seconds an active camo will spawn in the zombie hub room, use it wisely.


    Active Camo Spawn

    Gate Times:
    1st Chamber: 10 sec
    2nd Chamber: 45 sec
    3rd Chamber: 120 sec
    4th Chamber: 180 sec
    (NOTE: The 4th chamber can only be accesed through the central gate in the third chamber)

    Chamber 1


    The first chamber is by far the easiest due to its openess and single direction of zombie attacks. However, there is very minimal ammo.

    Weapons - 1 BR:0 ; 1 Shotgun:0 ; 2 Magnums:0; 2 Frag Grenades

    Gate Time - 30 sec
    (NOTE: Make sure you progress the instant the central gate activates.)

    The Central Gate (custom power up marks when the gate is active)

    Zombie Gate

    Chamber 2


    The second chamber is a close-knit hallway where the zombies drop from each side of the ceiling. There is a little more ammo then the previous chamber here.

    Weapons - 1 BR:1 ; 1 Shotgun:1 ; 2 Firebombs ; 1 Tripmine

    Gate Time - 60 sec (upon entering chamber)

    The Central Gate

    Zombie Gate

    Chamber 3

    The third chamber is a little more open then the second, however, there is a bridge spanning the area providing both height and cover for the zombies. There is a substantial amount of ammo in this chamber.

    Weapons - 1 BR:2 ; 1 Shotgun:2 ; 1 AR:2 ; 1 Sniper:1 ; 2 Firebombs ; 2
    Frag Grenades ; 1 Medkit (Custom Power Up)

    Gate Time - 90 sec (upon entering chamber)

    The Central Gate

    Zombie Gate

    Chamber 4


    The fourth and final chamber is the chamber where the tides turn in favor of the humans. If you can make it here you've all but won. There is a large cache of ammo as well as only a single direction to cover. If you are a zombie you do not want the humans reaching this chamber.

    Weapons - 1 BR:2 ; 1 Shotgun:2 ; 1 Sniper:2 ; 1 Rocket Launcher:2 ; 1 Machine Gun Turret ; 2 Magnums:0 (Magnums have 20 sec respawn) ; 1 Tripmine ; 1 Firebomb ; 2 Frag Grenades
    (NOTE: The turret is facing backwards so you need to rip it off if you want to use it)

    Down the Chamber


    Extra Pics

    Second Chamber Zombie Gate

    Medkit Location

    Active Camo in Use

    Watch Your Backs

    The Fool Who Didn't Make It

    Side Notes

    General Game Settings
    Round Time - 5 min
    Rounds - 5
    Zombies at Start - 50%

    Weapon Format
    Each weapon is set to never respawn, unless otherwise stated. (# Weapon Name:Extra Clips)

    Damage/Resistance Setup
    One Headshot kills; No shields

    3 hits kill (the hits do not need to be consecutive); Normal Shields, 0% Recharge

    Respawn Settings
    The zombies have team spawn set for every five seconds (which means they spawn in groups)
  2. Vinyl Hippo

    Vinyl Hippo Ancient
    Senior Member

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    From what I can see this looks great. I'll rate on gameplay after I play it. Queened.
  3. DunkinMyCookies

    DunkinMyCookies Ancient
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    Wait to see a new one from you Sarge. This most definitely looks interesting, the idea of the 'survive the zombie onslaught' deal has seen its days but this looks not only pleasing to the eyes but promises its share of games. I must make it a priority to go through and rid my HD of some **** this weekend, to make room, or I'd otherwise miss out on such maps like so. I'm gonna DL and let you know how it plays.
  4. Phantasm

    Phantasm Ancient
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    wow. from the pics, i can see that this is a fantastic zombie map. ill say more after my dl but it looks amazing and very on the eyes. especially the last chamber. very nice. the chamber idea is innovative as well. i rlly dont have any tips right now. ill dl and get back to u. nice job
  5. Kyfion

    Kyfion Ancient
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    Judging from the numerous pictures you uploaded, the gameplay on this map will be feneminal (however u spell it), not only that the map looks extremely well forged. In short this map looks like the offspring of alot of hard work, patience and skill. Good job keep it up 5/5
  6. The Hawk

    The Hawk Ancient
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    This map is incredible Sarge. When I first started it up, I was mad because I couldn't get through the door, then, while I was futilely meleeing the dumpster, I saw the other dumpsters. Curiosity took hold of me, and I ran over and I soon as I touched one it flew up! (BTW how do you do that?!) I went back to the main dumpster, it flew up, and was met with a door. At first I thought it was a tele door, but I was proven wrong by reading your post. New round for me... Anyway, I forged through the rest of the map and saw that it was brilliant. I've always wanted to do something like this, but now I'm glad I didn't, because you did it so much better than I could've. The interlocking and sheer genius of structure in the map is amazing, and the thing that really stands out to me is the way you interlocked fence walls. (For some odd reason...) The system for the map is also pure epic winsauce.

    (Just to let you know, sometimes it's hard for me to write my long reviews, but with this one, I could've done a lot more.)
  7. xMBMAxPureEvil

    xMBMAxPureEvil Ancient
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    this map is original and well forged and that's why I have downloaded it, nice job and good luck for future maps. Really nice job on the tunnel
  8. mastersync23

    mastersync23 Ancient
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    This map is sheer genius. It looks so fun to play, and I rarely play infection. This is a map that really makes you think before you act, and work as a team. Great job! 10/10.
  9. CLIFF X13

    CLIFF X13 Ancient
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    This is a cool map. There is an aspect of balance and fun. One tip would be to fix the purple power-up because right now it is a red and blue power-up. If you want it entirely purple, put a weapon holder down, and put the power-ups in. I love all the different shapes so keep it up.
  10. Hazza

    Hazza Ancient
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    Dear God, this is fantastic.

    I never usually comment or play on the conventional infection games due to their, well low quality but I was dumbstruck when I saw this. What has suprised me about this map is that it has used a fairly normal concept but built on it with an unconvenional twist.

    I'll start off with the chambers.
    The geometry you'ved created within each chamber is definately unique. Not only do they change shape when you progress further into the game, but the weapons set change with them. With the cover you've created for both humans and zombies, it's made the game fair, even considering how the game gets harder for zombies as time passes. How you've done that is something else. Can I just say that the final product for chamber 4 looks fantastic.

    I've seen quite a few switches implemented into gameplay before, but not in the abundance that you've used it in. This isn't a bad thing, it's a great thing. What you've done is have the whole game rely on these switches, which I've never seen done so well in a map before. The beauty of them is that the are incredibly simple, yet work incredibly well.

    What makes your map great is that it has a twist to it. Instead of it getting harder for the humans, it gets easier. Team Spawn is also a brilliant addition, it makes it that little bit more tactical. What I like about your weapon set is that they aren't overpowered. You've got just the right mixture of long, short-range, and power weapons per chamber. My guess is that if you don't work well in chamber 1, someone will get punished. This game relys on teamwork too, not some crazy FFA chicken hunt.

    This is truely the best infection map I've ever seen on foundry.
    Post layout: perfect. Pictures: perfect
    You deserve a pat on the back.
    5/5 from me and I'm actually submitting this map for a feature.
  11. uF HaVoK

    uF HaVoK Ancient
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    This is very well forged!

    Most infection maps in my opinion are sloppy, repetitive, and have boring gameplay....

    But, this is definetly an exception :)

    It has nice asthetics while very fun gameplay and use of original items (healthpack).

    4.5/5 cuz im not the biggest infection fan sorry....
  12. Unl3ad1ng

    Unl3ad1ng Ancient
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    Incredible Map! The gameplay is nice and smooth, you can have lots of fun on this. Your gate Idea was excellent! Perfectly executed map. 5/5
  13. Val

    Val Ancient
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    Very well done with the maps aesthetics. I can see alot of original areas. Im gonna dl and take a closer look
  14. Insane117

    Insane117 Ancient
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    Nice job sarge. It was really fun playing this map i really liked the 2nd chamber the zombies come from above. 4.5/5
  15. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
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    Wow... I must say I don't believe I've ever had a map hit so many views so fast. So thank you. And secondly I know I have never had such well spoken reviews in the comments. Once again thanks everyone.
  16. Master Debayter

    Master Debayter Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Very well done map, although it was a bit confusing at first. I finally realized what to do in the last round, and I lasted the entire time.

    By the way, once you know how this map works, you can run circles around the zombies, literally. In the second room for the humans, I waited in there the entire time, until the grav lifts and platforms spawned to bring the trapped zombies back. Then I went to the zombie spawn, killed all six zombies in there, then took the door teleporter back to the other humans. Did you construct the map like that on purpose? Because it's fairly easy to get to the zombie spawn.
  17. spazmonkey92

    spazmonkey92 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    this looks really good but rather conveluted.

    ill d.l because the fact of the awesomeness of chamber 4
  18. Sarge525

    Sarge525 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Well, generally speaking, going to the zombie spawn is certain doom, in all honesty doing it should end in you dieing, so whoever you played with, honestly, must of been pretty suckish... And there is a little bit of a learning curve to this map and game, but if you got a party of people who know what they are doing it is truly the epitome of fun. Oh and for those of whom it happens to, if you spawn with blinking shields it is just lag; your still three hits.
  19. Reaper9546

    Reaper9546 Ancient
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    Best map ever, my new favourite. Far better than FiveChambers except it doesn't have five chambers :(
  20. X5

    X5 Ancient
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    You know, this map impressed me. It is very intriguing, and I like what you did with it here. If I could download, I would. Sadly, I can't (for really messed up reasons) but I'll just get a friend to nab this one for me. When I get a chance, I'll definitely play this, and I'll be back with my thoughts.

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