Sandbox Gateway

Discussion in 'Halo 3 Competitive Maps' started by RunTime83, May 24, 2009.

  1. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Legend has it that this mystical gate once lead to the Covenant home world. All gametypes. 4-10 players.

    I wanted to create a very basic map that had nice aesthetics and would play well with the main gametypes. I think I achieved this with Gateway. It is completely symmetrical. There are bases on each side that are indicated by the red and blue lights. There is a completely enclosed center piece accessible by a doorway in front of each base and also by 2 doors on each side. On the outside of the map there is a tube that connects each side. The Overshield and Active Camo are located in the middle of each tube. The center is what I call the "Gateway". Some other landmarks are the OS tunnel, the Camo tunnel, red "flower", and blue "flower". I made two versions of this map, Gateway and Nether Gateway. Nether Gateway has the Colorblind and Juicy lighting effects added to it. Let me know which one you like best, because in a couple of weeks I am gonna take the one with the least downloads off of my fileshare.​

    This map was created using the template for the Forge Cafe Project 360 contest.​


    Battle Rifle X 6(60 sec respawn, 2 clips)
    Needler X 2(90 sec, 2)
    Spiker X 2(45 sec, 2)
    Plasma Rifle X 2(45 sec)
    Carbine X 2(60 sec, 2)
    Mauler X 2(60 sec, 1)
    Energy Sword X 1(120 sec)
    Regenerator X 1(120 sec)
    Bubble Shield X 1(120 sec)
    Overshield X 1(180 sec)
    Active Camo X1(180 sec)
    Plasma Grenades X 8 (30 sec)​





    Legend has it that this mystical gate leads to a place of shadow and death. All gametypes. 4-10 players.





    If you missed the links before:

    They are the exact same map. Nether Gateway just has the lighting effects added. Let me know which one you prefer.​
  2. Cookie Monster

    Cookie Monster Ancient
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    I'll start off with.
    Great asthetics.
    Great interlocking
    Great way to fill up the whole crypt, even without making it look over croweded.
    Very nice job man, 5/5.
  3. TheClubhouse

    TheClubhouse Ancient
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    This map LOOKS amazing. Some of the inter-locking you did is unbelieveable. I love the two coloured flowers and the centre sword tunnel. Awsome map. You said you wanted to create something that was asthetically nice, but you went beyond that. Great job. I'd love to play a custom on this to see what it plays like.
  4. TFx KiLl3r

    TFx KiLl3r Ancient
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    I love all of your maps runtime, you are one insane forger. This is no exception it is beautiful, well made and whats more perfect to play on. The aesthetics are amazing and the gameplay, well I will dl and tell you more! Great map 5/5
  5. Prodigious 7k

    Prodigious 7k Ancient
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    Took the words right out of my head. This looks amazingly well forged 5/5.
  6. Eculc

    Eculc Ancient
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    woah...the map looks amazing...

    nice interlocking, and use of the crypt without overcrowding it...I personally like the FX better than not...makes it seem more ancient, i guess.
  7. ehand88

    ehand88 Ancient
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    Well done Runtime83. This is another beautifully forged map. Like you said, you wanted to create a basic map with overall good gameplay and I believe you have done it here. The whole area surrounding the sword tube is pretty sweet. The outer ring is also simple but the overall gameplay looks awesome. I am going to give this a try soon.
  8. iTz Longshot

    iTz Longshot Ancient
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    ell im pretty much amazed liek everybody else who commented. its a greatly forged map. with the filters, persoanlly, i say ether Juicy or nothing becasue with Juicy, it brings out the color more and with nohing, it shows the original, well i guess picture, so its alot better to see, and not so dark, even though it adds likness to your map idea. with the looks of the map, im wondering how the gameplay works out, im sure tis great. so ill que. for DL. great job with the map.
  9. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Wow! Thanks guys. I'm really pretty proud of this map. It turned out really well I think.

    That is exactly my thinking. I like it with the effects more too, I think. It does make it seem more "magical" in a way imo. What's good about it is that it's really not even that dark in most areas. The blue-side corners are the only dark places, but you are still able to see players pretty easily.
  10. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    This is one of the sickest crypt maps I've seen with originality. I love the idea of putting the sword spawn in the gateway. O and btw, keep the FX. (which FX did you use?)
  11. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    Thanks very much. I used Colorblind and Juicy.
  12. Urban Myth

    Urban Myth Ancient
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    I thought I was the only one who used that combination. I like how it makes things darker without making it too dark like gloomy does.
  13. xPsychZerox

    xPsychZerox Ancient
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    Damn it, everyone said everything that I was going to say. Oh well, guess you mind too much hearing it again from me.
    I am very impressed with the aesthetics, especially the sword tube. Never seen that type of stuff before. And I agree, effects look good on this map. I'll definitely have to download this.
  14. makisupa007

    makisupa007 Ancient
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    I saw this map from very early on and it turned out very tight. I can't see anyone entering that template contest coming up with anything to top this one. The flower pedestals are awesome, and they give th inner courtyard a great feeling. I haven't played any games on this yet, so I can't comment on gameplay, but the map looks great. Have you seen any good competition in the template entries?
  15. RunTime83

    RunTime83 Ancient
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    I honestly haven't really looked yet. Been really busy the last few days and the contest doesn't end til Friday I don't think. Probably will check em out tomorrow.

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