Gateway Created by Skweaks22 Map Description: A close combat map with short to long sight lines. Red and Blue symmetrical bases with a center 'shrine'. Gateway Central shrine. Thought you got away, didn't you? Thanks for the view and any feedback is greatly accepted. $5000 budget submission.
Looks pretty good, but if you colour the bases and other objects it would look even better. You may also want to add a tad more cover to the bases
If I recall correctly, every piece on here has an assigned color. As for more cover and things, I had to numb it down a bit to fit the $5000 budget. Decorative pieces are expensive. What was removed didn't really effect overall gameplay. There is actually a surprising amount of cover still if you pay attention to wear you are on the map. I'd say most of the overall conflict was at ground level. There is not a whole lot of cover in the high parts to camp it out. I suppose if there is enough intrest I could load the 'full' version. I've been forging since Reach was released and I have plenty of diffren't things going and completed, though this is my first map post here. Thanks for the insight though. Since you mentioned cover around the bases I am going to take a seconed look at my full version.
This map looks awsome looks like you used at least $7500 at a minimum overall i like the ashetics the shrine looks awsome but may need more cover and maybe even a turret at each base
I thought about turrets but i figured it would be a little too intense for a foot combat map. The mancannons seemed to do the job nicely. They have a large area of sight on both levels, to make you actually want to use them. And hey, you can take them with you.
This map has two floors, but each floor is flat. If you put more height variation on your map, it will be more enjoyable to play. There should be another structure against the wall for each team to allow more spawning options. From the structure, your should have a ramp to the circle with the rock, because the middle is a little overpowering. The sniper nest is the highest point of the map, which is slowing down the gameplay. Generally when you have an open map, the power positions should be in the center to encourage players to push forward. I am sure you could make structures rather than using prefabricated structures, but they seem to work fine. Overall, it's a good start to a solid map.
I think the map is great ,although i wonder if you put any weapons, because from the pictures weapons look scarce on the map.
The layout is pretty good I think, with enough pieces to break up sightlines and offer cover around. Though a weapon list and a more detailed description would be nice to help for a better critique. Some extra pics of the bases and whatnot couldn't hurt. Otherwise, I'd have to dl it for a better look.
I checked the pics over very cleanly and saw no im assuming not? EDIT: I forgot to put about the map -.- but it looks very very well done and i can't wait to give it a pkay. Good Job.
A map post requires 3 pics. I would suggest you to add a pic before the map thread is locked by the mods.