Garrison Garrison is the map that i always want to make on halo 3 but i couldnt because theres less objects and less money to do it, but now i have enough to make this masterpiece called Garrison. Garrison is one of my best maps so far, and it is a symmetrical map and a little big and its a enclosed map, but its perfect for 6v6 slayer dmr's and CTF. the forging on the map is smooth and well put together. there are 4 bunker towers, there are red and blue bunker towers the main bases, and there are 2 sniper bunker towers. 1 is a green tower and the second one is a yellow tower. it took me 5 hours to make and it turn out to be a great success. lot of my friends think that its the first most favorite map on reach so far. i just hope you guys will enjoy this map and i hope you have fun, ENJOY!! Weapons: DMR x12 Snipers x2 Rocket launchers x1 plasma grenades x4 frag grenades x12 special thanks to: Gpof ce: for helping me with the spawns fluffyroks2: for making the lifts in the base master masashi: for helping me with ctf
This looks very neatly built and has some nice sight lines, but some of the pics make me worry about spawn killing a little eccessively. If that's not the case then I appologize. 4.5/5 *EDIT* Also mabie take out 1 or 2 DMRs and put in like a shotgun or some plasma repeaters, just a suggestion.
dude I remember when you had this almost made you just needed weapons and some spawns. glad i could help with the lifts and all. great map wish i was their when you tested it and hey didn't i make those little bunkers in one of the tower thingies.