Looks pretty interesting. I like the way the stairs look. For a first map, this is pretty good. It would be cool though if you tried experimenting with piece usage. Try expanding what you use and you'd be surprised with how manipulating certain blocks can make your map look that much better. I could already think of a few items that could make those stairs "pop" out more. I myself though am not really big on making core maps so you're better off throwing this into one of the testing lobbies so they can help you with more gameplay mechanics of your map. Good luck and happy forging!
I tried to keep more of a neutral theme as I worked on this map. I'm new to all these advanced mechanics: I've done most of my forging on H2A. But, I will look into other ways to make the map a little more lively or stunning. Thanks! P.S. I made the stairs by using blockers to give a level feel as you go up them. I simply raised the 2x32x2s up to a level where they wouldn't stick out through the blocker.
You'll want to give a little more color variety to certain parts of your map. Try making some areas darker or lighter or shinier or something. Add a little more color here an there. Your pathways need a little more too. Add extra cover or routes besides the downward stairs so that people have more vertical playspace. There's a lot you could do with the main structure to decorate it. You could look at real world buildings and concept art for inspiration. I would focus on vertical support structures along the edges of it. Decorate the interior however you like. A distant invisible spotlight can shine down (or up) on the inside and light it up pretty well. Don't worry, styling maps comes with time and experience. Can't wait to see how this one evolves!
I'm considering adding a little nook on either side of the balcony (ground level) that launches players upwards. I feel like it would make players feel less secure up on the balcony. As for decorations, I was considering putting panels in the building on the very bottom platform, to look more like a maintenance area. What blocks or extras would I use to imitate blinking or glowing lights on a panel like this? All of these complicated items are alien to me: I'm used to making do with the limited roster from H2A. Any recommendations would be great! Just spitting out ideas, maybe a vaulted ceiling on the inside would be nice (to give room for the spotlight to come from). I can't wait to improve this!