best map i made so far, more to come. [br][/br]Edited by merge: This map is about three storys high. One long tunnel that connects the bases and provides arial cover. high points on each side. Their is a bridge in the midle witch conects the sides and prvides a lot of cover. The side walkways have good cover and vanntage points but it is very easy to get to.[no camping that means] Snipers are on the sides with only 1 spare clip. The gard tower is easy to flank and it has explosives to make you think twice about camping. The other highpoint just has very little cover to avoid camper. their are two buildings at the side of the bottom base to cunter out the walkways wile providing cover. and great spawning tell me what you think
You are required to have a brief description, download link, and at least one picture of your map. Failure to fix the thread will result in a lock within 24 hours. If you wish to fix the thread after it has been locked, feel free to message one of the staff and they will reopen it for you. For information on how to post pictures, look here. For the forum rules, look here.
well it's hard to see from this distance and with only one picture i cant give it a good rating unless i see the whole map but from this pic i see its very well built you just need more pics.....
picture I have a problem with taking pics because I have no hard drive to put them on my file share. so I have to wait to use my other xbox and I don't have internet over there. I had to get someone else to take pictures.
Well it looks pretty good from the one picture. At least you have a good over view of the map. It would be very lovely for everyone if you could give some more information on the map, since you're limited to one picture so far. Maybe tell us what size you think it is, some areas that have height advantages, a weapon list, etc. You want to sell your map; let people know more about it. I hope this helps, and I'll check it out.
tumbnail that helped a lot thanx [br][/br]Edited by merge: bump bump bump. [br][/br]Edited by merge: If any one wants to take pictures of my map I would aprtiate it. as long as you send me the pics to post. Thanx [br][/br]Edited by merge: Finally I got the tumbnail to work.