It's literally garbage art. I made it for a graphic design class I'm taking. My process was to tip a garbage can over onto my canvas and then spray paint the outline the garbage makes. I got a final image, cropped it to this, and added text. And for some reason it's automatically writing in I saw the dieing thread and thought you guys might like this. I also have a better touched up version, but it's not available to me atm.
cool stuff... thats really interesting, never heard of that. i was expecting a shitty drawing lol... i dont really like the colors though.
Good idea, bad delivery. I don't mean to discourage you for posting your art, but I don't feel any effort was put into it. Maybe if it was taken a different way, it would work out.
oh ic... and how do you put more effort into this frag? seriously... anyways. i think its a cool idea none the less. thanks for contributing!
lol at frag man. Your taking me way to seriously. I don't actually care about the art because the assignment was about the process of it being made. If I wanted it to look good I obviously wouldn't have used garbage as a tool now would I?
Actually you'd be surprised, sometimes trash is a better medium than pen, paper, or Photoshop. Even though this was just an assignment this could have alot of interpretation and depth behind it. Alas though it's just trash lol.