haha nice, that probably took a lot of time to get that to work, or it came out of look after you shot da dude in da head with a magnum nice screenie
How many screenshots do you have?!?!?! Anyways, How the hell do you do that. 5/5 for originality EDIT: Nevermind, you just copied someone elses screenshot.
I already made this thread- Old Skool Chief Also, you need to give credit for the actual taker of the screenshot, TribeSpartan.
I was so weak after I saw this for the first time. The full desription is "MC chief with his gangsta hat ballin with his boyee in the back crankin da tunes." hahahaha Yea but this is pretty old but still funny
Haha thats pretty awesome. Da chief is in da house yo! You must of megred yourself with Johnson didn't you?
I would give himcredit but theres no name on the athour so i cant sorry about that i just though it was funny and id bring it back
How can there not be a name on the author? Also, you should of looked around to see if there was a creator you can give credit too. You have no excuse.
It's not his screenshot, I've seen it in a lot of other peoples fileshare. I'd say it was tough to get it perfect though. I'd rate the screenshot 4.5/5 but since you stole it, it's 2.25/5.
wait...lolwut?alright noobs stop stealing pics it is annoying and at least give credit or say its not yours.