Gamma Research Facility

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Requiem Fiasco, Sep 22, 2010.

  1. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    On a recently charted Halo world an ancient Forerunner artifact is discovered. Along with Physicist Dr. Gates a small Spartan III team is dispatched. Upon arrival the team builds hasty defense positions utilizing the Forerunner architecture already in place. The team has been on site for 3 weeks analyzing the artifact.

    Dr. Gates is under the belief that the artifact creates a miniature sun housed within a advanced shield. The power source implications are astounding as it would allow the UNSC to go toe to toe with the covenant if the power source is able to be adapted to human technology.

    15 minutes ago the Spartan III team lost contact with the Frigate "Defeat is not an option" in high orbit who was tasked as an early warning, defense and supply support.

    It is unknown who or what has disabled the Frigate however the Spartan team is taking up defensible positions and is in the process of escorting Dr. Gates to the extensive cave network for safety.




    Red base



    Blue base


    Research Facility




    Anti Vehicle/Air nest




    Play-testers and opinions needed. This is my first ever map so I am new to this and need some critique. I have already set up most game types and am looking to fine tune the map. If anyone wants some more detailed pics of particular areas let me know and Ill snap them.

    P.S. the map looks unbalanced (Research facility looks closer to the red base) but I have timed it to the ramp and it is within a half a second on foot.
  2. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    From my first glance at the provided images, the first thing I would suggest is moving the armor abilities. Having them provided in that fashion seems unbalanced. I would suggest giving players access to different armor abilities through different load outs. Otherwise, your map looks like it would provided for some fun combat, but it does seem a little bland between the structures, but I blame forge world for that. I do particularly like the look of the research station.
  3. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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    I added some major bits to the area in the center and modified the nest for balance. Still a lot of work to do but Ill get some more pics up.
  4. Angel of Grief

    Angel of Grief Forerunner

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    If you want, I can play on it tomorrow sometime in the mid-afternoon. I'm really looking forward to it.
  5. Requiem Fiasco

    Requiem Fiasco Forerunner

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  6. Kafungalung

    Kafungalung Forerunner

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    if i see another kil ball on a map i may cry. they really can make great maps look like trash, however this map looks to open to be playable...

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