Hi, I recently have been trying to get things to spawn only on symmetrical and asymmetrical games. So when you press X on a object and it gives you an option to set the symmetry option. So I was wondering say I want a sniper to spawn on a symmetrical game and I set the object to Symmetry: Symmetrical. What gametypes with let it spawn? Like which gametype's are symmetrical and/or a-symmetrical? And does this work for every object? Thanks, HomieG54 :happy:
i think that there is an option when making a game to make it symmetrical or not. try looking. i will too
Symmetrical gametypes are neutral objectives and can be VIP as well as long as each team has an objective of interest - for examples two flag, king, neutral bomb, etc. Asymmetrical gametypes are one sided games, for examples - one flag, one bomb, one sided VIP, territories defend etc. and you can set geometry to spawn or not for those gametypes. I hope I was helpful =)
team slayer is a symmetrical gametype, im pretty sure. and im not sure about slayer, but i think asymmetrical. i actually have no idea about slayer, just the team slayer im pretty sure about.
Yes. I will just have to try out in game. Hopefully it doesn't mess up my map because it's turning out great.
All slayer games are symmetrical, sadly. A feature to change this in the gametype menu would be awesome, and probably would have been easier on Bungie then the auto choice they got going on.
To put it simple, all gametypes where both teams have the same goal are symetrical. All gametypes where both teams have different goals are asymetrical. Hope this helps.