i hope this is the right thread if not please just move... first off this thread has three separate gametypes in it...i didnt want to post three diffrent threads these game types are played by me and my cousins at my house and their houses.. i have a lot of family that plays halo... lol ... plus i just got live recently so before i just played a lot of games at home with linked systems... first game type is a variation of juggernaut and is my personal favorite gametype that i have made... it was named something else but i changed the name because it would have been to offensive for bungie so i wont even mention the original name lol... as of today its called Punching Bag... i know the name isnt that good but o well.... this setting are for about 5 - 8 people playing i would lower the score to about 10 for about 10 people and about 5 for any group larger.. My favorite map to play this on is high ground but thats just me.. i believe any map that you feel you and your team can corner the juggernaut would work... and you will have to work with your team if you want to take him down... Punching Bag Download: Punching Bag Details 1 round no time limit no friendly fire score to win is 15 kill juggernaut to get points ...juggernaut cant get points allied against the juggernaut kill juggernaut to become it Base player traits spawn with random weapons forced color white everything else is default Juggernaut traits juggernaut is picked at random forced color pink (it went along with the orginal name of the gametype lol) 200% speed 100% gravity spawn with random weapons 4x over shield recharge rate on shield is 50% slower regenerating grenades infinite ammo cant use vehicles tracker range is 75 meters visible to everyone 2nd game type ... any map thats good for team slayer should be just fine for this one... Golden Gun (yes name came for 007 lol) Download: Golden Gun Details 1 round no time limit team slayer score to 50 no friendly fire only pistols with instant kill infinite ammo grenades - map default 3rd game type this game type im sure everyone has played a game type similar to it before so i wont go into much detail about it..... me and my family play a lot of this as well basically any map thats open and a lot of room to run... for some reason my cousins like to play this on the pit and on foundry ... but thats them... Hammer Time Download: Hammer Time Details 1 round FFA slayer Base Player Traits rockets and gravity hammer 300% speed 50% gravity Leader Traits infinite ammo and grenades visible to everyone 200% speed 100% gravity hope everyone enjoys them if they download....