Is there a list online anywhere of the options in various Reach gametypes? I've had some ideas lately but unless I'm in front of my XBox I can't really plan them out properly. At the moment the one I'm really curious about is Infection - I have an idea I think might be a lot of fun, but it relies on Infection having a few particular settings...
This would be very useful. And after seeing others have had the same problem, (I considered making a flowchart of the options in certain gametypes just the other day) I may start work on it today if I don't get sidetracked. But it would be tedious to do, especially for every gametype.
Indeed it would. I'd love to have it though, I spend long days at work thinking of ideas and having no clue if they will work or not. If you put this together, you're my hero.
Is there any program that makes lists like that? Cause I could use Word or Notepad, but that would still take forever. EDIT: Nevermind, using Word. [br][/br]Edited by merge: HaloBall Game Variant all listed out, click on this to see.
Hmm, doesn't seem to want to come up for me - I just get a blank Scribd page. But I'm looking forward to seeing this when you get it all put together.
Yep, and it's AWESOME. I can't imagine how long that took to do. If you're open to suggestions, might I recommend Infection next..?
Sure, I'll do infection next. I did HaloBall for my own selfish reasons It was mind numbing to do, took around an hour. But now I can copy-paste most settings. If anybody feels like converting this to a forum post (and indenting and linking it) be my guest.
I have one for firefight although it might contain some errors. Personally I prefer to leave out the long lists for things like weapons, armor abilities, score to win, etc. You can create a separate file with those things if you wish, but most people know what options there are for those things.