Gametype/Map Idea Archive.

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by artifact123, Nov 2, 2011.

  1. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    Can't come up with an idea for a Map/Gametype or do you have an idea and are too lazy to fullfill it? Post it here or grab a Idea!

    Payload Race:
    Based of TF2
    Gametype is HaloBall.
    Team Fortress 2/Game Modes
    No Shields, 120/125 Dmg res. 110 % speed, no Friendly Fire, yes Team Changing.

    Map would be sorta like Goldrush(not a exact remake, that's unoriginal and boring)

    Two teams each have a Cart(Crate or Golf Ball or something) that they have to move across a path, the object shouldn't be able to be thrown out off the track. Pretty simple, huh? Now here come the classes, i know there are more than 5 so pick the ones that would balance each outher out best in your opnion:

    Gravity Hammer

    Assault Rifle/Plasma Repeater


    Grenade Launcher
    1 Frag Grenade

    Drop Shield

    Sniper Rifle

    Active Camo
  2. Heavensguard92

    Heavensguard92 Forerunner

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    Game Idea: Corporate Espionage

    I for one am no good at execution of any custom games scenario, but sometimes i get some good ideas. Now grammar Nazis, you may have your fun picking at my words for I know i will make a good number of mistakes.

    First idea I have is Corporate espionage.
    A twist on an oddball game.
    Objective: You and your fellow coworkers have just been posted on a list of highly probably soon-to-be-fired employees. Rather than go without your fair share of vengeance, you all plot to steal fairly sensitive intel about your shared company. However, the only opposing company that wants this intel has room for only one new worker.
    Find the intel
    Get it out of the building via ground entrance or rooftop retrieval

    So basically everyone must search the map for the intel(oddball) which i believe should be an armor ability that has been hidden away creatively at set points(but spawns only once at random points). Have every player start with a(n) ability such as sprint and make the intel evade. No waypoints but for those who carry the intel get waypoints for extraction points(hill markers). Everyone should start with a pistol, but one clip. no ability to pick up more ammo. So be careful with your shots and your accusations. I was thinking of set lives, but maybe that might make it a game of last man standing. I want it to be a high tense bluff/lie game. Only the smart can reign.(tho a good sprint check is fun)

    Afterthought: I would hope to play this game in a corporate building type of map. Multiple floors rooms and hallways.
    To be killed while holding the intel should destroy the intel, causing others to begin the search for the next intel. Respawns I suppose is necessary for continued challenge.


    *edit: I support the tf2 game, but to give the scout a grav hammer is quite powering. nonetheless, a rather enjoyable game to partake in. Soldier ftw!
    #2 Heavensguard92, Nov 14, 2011
    Last edited: Nov 14, 2011
  3. artifact123

    artifact123 Forerunner
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    I already got a TF2 Gametype(Normal Slayer or whatever it's called there) and I have played some Games on Powerhouse(very close quarters) and almost everybody chose the Scout however I mowed them all down for my time using Heavy. ;)

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