Gametype idea

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by WaGxAssassin, Jan 14, 2009.

  1. WaGxAssassin

    WaGxAssassin Ancient
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    I have an idea for a gametype. It is kind of like rescue.

    It would be VIP/Escort. You would have the VIP in a cage in the enemy's base. You would then have to rescue your VIP and escort them to a location at another place in the map. It would have to be on a larger map, maybe Valhalla or Sandtrap.

    Has this been done before? I really don't know. And would this even be possible?

    Thanks for the feedback in advance.
  2. DeathToll77

    DeathToll77 Gone For Sec
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    thought of millions of times. Only problem is you can't decide where the VIP spawns.
  3. The Cheat

    The Cheat Ancient
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    This is true, which means that unfortunately, the gametype is pretty much impossible...I've thought of it too, but it's really difficult trying to find a solution around this problem.
  4. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    At the beginning of a game you set explosives to drop on the spawn. If you set it exactly right it kills everyone else but the VIP can live if he has enough shields. It actually has been done before.

    The only problem with this, is whats to keep noobs from putting a round in the captured VIPs head? Honestly it would be really hard to discourage people from killing the VIP and if you say it makes them lose 2 points (only one point for getting the VIP back) then the VIP could just walk himself back to the base after he was set free. If the other players could contain themselves in the first place, they wouldn't be able to reclaim the VIP because they would lose major points.

    It does present possiblities, but there are alot of problems with the idea. Maybe someone could set somthing up that works eventually.
  5. WaGxAssassin

    WaGxAssassin Ancient
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    Darn. That would so fun!

    Your right though I can't even think of way around it.
  6. zeppelinboy777

    zeppelinboy777 Ancient
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    Inside the holding cell/cage, make a vip zone or whatever you call it and make it invincibility for VIP.
  7. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    I'm guessing it would play a bit like CTF, but with a person, amirite?

    I recommend Avalanche btw, it's a large map and allows immovable objects, that or Rat's Nest (same reasons)

    Problem 1: Separating VIP from team so he is in holding cell

    Spawn the whole team in the holding cell (with starting points), make it so the VIP has severely reduced jumping height and then make it so that the sender node to get out of the cell is too high to reach unless you have regular jumping height (be sure to allow for the fact that a VIP can still jump onto a person's head for a boost, but you can account for this with careful design).

    The VIP will then be stuck in the holding cell and the rest of the team can go wherever. The rest of your map can play however you want, the point is you have the VIP trapped in a holding cell.

    Interesting Note: You could even have someone stay behind with the VIP if they so wished, so that you can guarantee that the VIP will have some backup when he leaves the cell. Of course then you have one less person to help siege the base. Decisions decisions (Dynamic tactics ftw!)

    I do actually have another theory that may be a whole lot smarter but I don't have the slightest clue whether it would work, so I'm gonna test it out when I get back from work. If it works I'll suggest it.

    Problem 2: Preventing enemy opening the cell themselves and popping a cap in the VIP

    Make it a two-part switch to open the cell. 1 switch is activated from the outside (this is where the team are trying to get to to rescue the VIP) and the other switch is activated from inside the cell, i.e. by the VIP himself.

    So if the enemy decide they want to be devious bastards and open the cell, so they can kill the VIP, then they will be disappointed because the VIP will just not open it on his side and be all like "you is not coming in, lolololol". Then, when his team have successfully cleared the place, he can flip the switch and leave.

    All problems solved!
    #7 buddhacrane, Jan 15, 2009
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2009
  8. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    Buddha crane, I like the second part of your idea, but for the first part. I was thinking that the starting points for the team is over a mancannon and at start players have higher gravity (spawn settings) and the VIP has normal gravity, then you have a teleporter at each of those distances (near and far). One leads to the start, the other to the box, that area is only used for the start of the game, after that rerspawns are on the map itself.
  9. buddhacrane

    buddhacrane Ancient
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    Spawn settings affect everyone as far as I'm aware, including the VIP.

    Also, When dealing with mid-air stuff like that you have to be aware that you can alter your distance and trajectory while in the air. What's to stop people from just dodging the teleporters altogether? Seems like an overcomplication to me.
  10. iZumi

    iZumi Ancient
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    It's been done in Gears of War 2 Submission, where you take a person, or a "meatflag" to a certain location. But in GoW it's more like you're taking a hostage, not doing a rescue.
  11. LIGHTSOUT225

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    dropping explosions on teammates upon spawn works in theory and in forge, but in game its far too laggy and often time the VIP llives.
  12. Play Pong

    Play Pong Ancient
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    Make a box that you cant see through as the cage, and put a single attackers start spawn inside of it. That way, there will always be only one player spawning inside of the cage and will always be the correct team. The defenders cant kill the VIP becasue there's no way in. There is however, a one way telleporter that moves the caged guy outside of the box. It's one way, so once he's out, he's out.

    Then, to take care of the 'need' to return back to his base, make it a one-sided assault game, with the bomb spawning inside of the cage, and if he drops it, it respaws right away. That way, the 'VIP' has to get the bomb back to his base to score the point. If he drops the bomb though, it will reset and that's the best you can do. perhaps there's another way to work around that.

    But at this point, you might as well play 1 sided ctf.
  13. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    I already suggested that Lights, it was ignored =[

    Also new idea what if they hit a man cannon when they spawn and get flung into teleporters? The VIP would have to be heavier so he wouldn't hit the teleporters.
  14. coyoteboy1023

    coyoteboy1023 Ancient
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    And I said that...

    just make sure that the teleporter field large enough so that even with trying to move you fall into it... Or just have 2 boxes, a tele in each...
  15. RightSideTheory

    RightSideTheory Legendary
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    Well Damn, I can't believe I'm that stupid. Sorry.

    Anyway its a good idea.

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