I had an idea for a gametype where, in the beginning of a team or FFA, the members walk at 50% speed, have 300% damage, have magnums, and no armour for about 10-15 seconds. The winner, or winners, would have a 10 second advantage on looking for weapons. I was wondering if anybody had done this before. It would be very similiar to the first 45 seconds of this: Red Dead: Multiplayer Dual Commentary - FFA Gold Rush - YouTube Or the first 10 seconds of this: Red Dead Redemption Multiplayer 18-0 Gang Shootout "Wesley Snipes" - YouTube
Pretty cool Idea, would the players spawn facing each other? I'm not sure they can only start with magnums unless they have them for the whole game.
Damn, I wish I could see those videos, I can't see it though for now, it's just a black box. Anyways, there is gametypes similiar to this like the "Wild Wild West" or something called draw. It's where the players are on a plank, walk backward, then turn around to get the pistol then have to headshot. I've been wanting to create a roullette dual game type, where players are lucky to spawn above the certain weapon.
I found Wild Wild West right after I posted. I'm making some stadiums for it since I didn't think the Wild West theme was fit for halo. How do you spawn with no guns on KOTH like he did.
Maybe download the OP's game type then you could edit it yourself and do whatever you want. Hey, it saves space on your file share too, you could make stadiums though, that sounds cool.