Gamestop Employees please answer this...

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by SRC48, Apr 3, 2010.

  1. SRC48

    SRC48 Ancient
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    Ok so yesterday I went with a friend down to gamestop to trade in some games. I'm 15, just for reference. We went in and put the games on the counter and said we wished to trade them in. The guy at the counter looked at them then us and said "You can't trade in M games without an adult." so I replied "What about T games?" and he said "Nope".
    I'm obviously 15, and have facial hair, etc... So first I was pissed because I have traded in cod4 by myself(also halo 3 and left 4 dead.)

    So is it really against policy to trade in M games as a minor?
  2. MetaWaddleDee

    MetaWaddleDee Ancient
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    My Brother works there, I think so but no one really follows those rules except for new guys...
  3. Meltyourtv

    Meltyourtv Ancient
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    When I picked up L4D2 the clerk was saying how if an employee doesn't tell the buyer the game is M, they get fired. Apparently when Halo 3 came out some lady came in and picked it up for her kid, saw him playing it, and flipped out, and sued. Of course, stupid lady won, employee was fined $50,000 and was fired and cannot work at ANY Gamestop store ever again.
  4. Fastforward

    Fastforward Ancient
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    I NEVER had someone tell me I couldn't TRADE IN a game because of the rating when I was under 17. If it is policy, it's a dumb one. I think you just got someone who was confused.
  5. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    In Texas it is illegal to pawn something when your under 18.
  6. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
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    Apparently at HMV they can't give you cash for you're game unless you're over 18 no matter what rating the game is they can only give you store credit. but yeah I've been turned back many times simply because the game was an 18 and i'm not yet.
  7. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    This is what's wrong with the sunny United States of America. Some people are so ****ing dense that all they do is find a fault or loophole in anything and sue for it. We need to realize that if we spill coffee on our legs and there was no warning that it's searing hot, it's our own damn fault.

    Now you have to put warnings and policies on everything to prevent from getting sued.

    And to OP, some gamestop employees sometimes let it slide if they work there long enough or are cool. You just need to look for the cool ones.
  8. IH8YourGamerTag

    IH8YourGamerTag Ancient

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    the policy sucks. my little brother has dealt with it. while it should perhaps limit the SALE to minors, i can't understand not letting them sell them
  9. Thorax tehGREAT

    Thorax tehGREAT Ancient
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    Well America has 4% of the worlds population and about 35% of the worlds lawyers.

    Ya I know you can't buy M games if you are under 17 but that sounds pretty dumb you can't trade them in.
  10. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    Sorry to correct you here, but for those that intend to use the McDonald Coffee Cup Lady reference, it's time to set facts straight.

    The cups were faulty and McDonalds knew it, but continued to use them. She did not spill it on herself, the bottom of the cup fell out and the coffee scolded her. It wasn't worth a lawsuit, imo, but it did warrant payable damages. Although the suit seems outrageous, it sets a precident for other companies to be responsible and to help protect consumers.
  11. footballfan757

    footballfan757 Ancient
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    OK OK. Where I live you have to be 18 to trade in anything and have to give all this information because people where selling games that where stolen then got money for it.

    Also on the M trade in. It is against store policy. Its just away to save their buts since it's I believe its against the law to sell or buy M under 17 so they are doing their job. And I have always hated people who O I just got here and I am special so I am aloud to sell my M game when I am under 17.

    SRC48 Your under 17 and considered a Minor and they have the right not to let you trade in the game.

    Its a Gamestop worldwide policy if some stores don't follow it they can be fired.

    Just want to clear that up

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    Let me just clear up the questions on the matter from someone who works at a Gamestop in Memphis. You shouldn't get pissed at Gamestop and this isn't something we just changed just to piss off customers. The first thing you should do is check the laws in your state/city because here in the City of Memphis it is illegal to "Pawn" or trade in any games no matter the rating if you're under the age of 18. (Even I am bound to it as I can't even trade in games because I live in the City of Memphis and work there. But, if I leave the City of Memphis I can trade in games because the law applies only to people in the City of Memphis).

    Now, this law has been around for a long time in Memphis and we didn't need to check for ID to trade in games as we didn't really enforce it so it was alright. But now recently my Manager was told by someone high up that we needed to start checking since our Gamestop lies within the City limits.

    Anyways, long story short if you live in a state/city that has this kind of law then we are now required to check for ID no matter the rating of the game. So, if you get your mom up to Gamestop then that is completely fine and we can complete the trade in as normal. I know it's a stupid thing but it's just something we're required to do now.
  13. Glasgow

    Glasgow Ancient
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    There was another lawsuit with a guy or something. He splilled it on his legs and sued.
  14. rusty eagle

    rusty eagle Ancient
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    That's probably what you heard by word of mouth. It was a woman and the cups were faulty. No one spilled coffee on themselves and sued.
  15. EpicFishFingers

    EpicFishFingers Ancient
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    When I bought MW2 and left 4 Dead 2 from GAME in England, I said to the guy "can I get these even though I might not be 18?" He said "might you have ID?" I said "it might not say that I'm 18". He just sold me them anyway, because no-one was around. He got me to show ID anyway for the CCTV but generally people don't give a ****. Just try a different salesperson next time.
  16. Y35 <3

    Y35 <3 Ancient
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    Ya most times all you have to do is take out your ID and show it to them, the camera's at the store are not high quality enough to see the details on the card, so many times they will end up selling it to you. At least it works for me when buying tobacco products.
  17. Grif

    Grif Na'vi Tits
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    Tobacco will kill you mate, but anyway you've probably got to be 18 in your state to pawn stuff as well.
  18. Adelyss

    Adelyss Hotdishhh
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    My local gamestop is very strict on it..Every time I've tried to buy something there I've been not able to (Considering I'm 16 and turn 17 in like 3 weeks [Yes lame I know])

    When I was going to buy my xbox elite spring bundle a few weeks back I called a head of time to see if I was able to just go get it myself but no because I was 1 month short of 17 my dad had to come with...pretty lame but w/e I won't have to deal with that anymore after my b-day
  19. Fbu

    Fbu Ancient
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    I almost miss being 15
  20. Bomb Champion

    Bomb Champion Ancient
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    At my Gamecrazy, maybe others (I only go to this one), it's the same. I had a stack of 5-year-old games I couldn't trade them in. Like what? Why is that a rule?

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