Any game with one guy who throws or shoots things at you, so you're fighting like 50 ****ing goblins then you just stop when you get hit by an arrow. Then you gotta run around looking for the little prick while still being chased by 50 ****ing goblins; you finally find him... on top of some bullshit tower that you have to shoot arrows at. Then you try to take aim and just get shot or hacked down by the 50 ****ing goblins. **** you Cave of Ordeals.
5. Wind Waker (damnit I dun wanna sail!) 4. WoW (nothing against it it just annoys me) 3. Reign of fire (gotta beat the game to be a dragon) 2. **** of dootie (all of the games before COD4, damn you WWII) 1. Gaia online (obvious reasons)
Call Of Duty 4. Not the game so much, infact i love COD4 but i dont understand why people like it better then Call of Duty: world at war. People always say the guns in COD4 are better. I completly agree, but it doesnt make COD5 suck. COD5 has soooo many things COD4 doesnt. The game its self is far better then COD4, but not the guns. Im just sick of people saying COD 5 sucks because they dont like the guns. that is complete and utter bull crap.
prince of persia very few fights and you cant die making it to easy and if you dont know what do you just ask your partner its to easy and unintresting with an annoying graphics
Killing Frenzy achievement in Halo 3. If you don't get it while levelling up the ppl on level 30 in Lone Wolves won't hand it to you on a plate. I got it in Mythic Brawl, by spamming a banshee on Sandtrap. On what must be my 10th 9 killing-spree, I am aimed at by a laser. I abandon ship, turn around, and pzone that n00b. Epic. Also, R.Y.N.O and R.Y.N.O. 2. How many cars did I blow up to get those guns???? I guess I should have not been the n00b that I was and just finished the game. BTW, Naughty Dog and Bungie games have to be my favourite.
Hulk Ultimate destruction, It annoys me, actualy any game of the sort i dont kno what the genre is but it annoys me i actually broke my controller after getting so mad at a mission. Though i also did love the game and free roam was fun.
WAIT A SECOND how can u not like sailing, you find stuff and fight enemies just like in fallout 3, if it wasnt there you would just be going from island to island. Also even when you find everything and sailing gets boring the game is so good that it makes up for it. So... why isnt fallout 3 on that list if you dont like walking(or sailing) from place to place
i hate the original kingdom hearts but like 2 that first one pisses me off i cant find my way around everythings a random maze also the new legend of zelda for the ds spirit tracks its the fall of a great series R.I.P. legend of zeldafor we might not see anoher good one for awhile until nintendo realizes that they are mass producing ****
fallout 3 is completely unlike wind waker. yes you fight enemies and collect things, but that happens in 80 billion other games as well. examples being COD4 (intel), Pokemon, hell you could even add Lego Batman! Really think before you make such an idiotic comparison. Games that piss me off include: Far Cry 2 - ****ing outposts where people shoot at you on the corner of every damn road it's just like COME ON Turok for 360- shittiest control scheme and HUD ever
Halo 3, especially when playing on the worst ****ing map ever, standoff (<-- doesn't deserve to be capitalized) or when your team just sucks.
Destory All Humans for 360. Girlfriend made me rent it and it turned out horrible bad...I guess that's why we shouldn't listen to them.
I haven't found a movie-based game I've enjoyed yet. Ooh, and minesweeper. Notice how the higher the difficulty you play, the more luck becomes a factor.
i hate two worlds cause for one the graphics are crap the game play is terrible and its hard to tell where you need to go for a quest it says its like oblivion on steroids its more like oblivion with aids also if you dont like halo 3 why are you on this website