I played the demo at my Wal-mart and I was instantly hooked. I know I'm getting it on PS3 so I can do whatever side thing they have for the Joker.
**** yea!!! I'm sooo damn pumped for it, ever since I saw the Gameinformer last August that featured it on the cover. And I don't ahve a PS3, but I reserved it months ago for teh 360 and I'm pretty sure it still comes with something like that. Like, a joker level or something idk. Anyway, I'm really excited.
You should try to play the demo at Gamestop or walmart or somewhere if you get the chance. It's only the challenge mode but it really shows off the fluid combat and great use of counter moves.
NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO NOT BIOSHOCK 2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Also, has anyone else noticed how damn long it's been since Square has made a KH game? I'm not talking about that douchey little PSP/DS games, I mean the actual Playstation title. Why?
Nobody's sure. We had this discussion a couple weeks ago in another thread and apparently whoever is like the head person of the KH games has only started to contemplate what the next KH console game might be like. It's really pissing me off.
Kingdom hearts "Birth by sleep" will be for PSP, and they have a game coming out for the DS and for your cellphone... none of which continue the story line at all... A bit of topic, but meh. Anywho, I have no idea when the next PS3 title will be announced. I hope it's soon, I'm kind of tired of waiting. It's one of my favorite games.
I doubt it will be soon. Even if we got a teaser trailer today, we probably wouldn't get the actual game for 2-3 more years knowing Square.
Alas, I despise how Square works like that... Anywho, I'm sure there will be a teaser at the end of Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep. Hopefully it will actually be for the next game in the story line...
Sorry, didn't notice it. Anyway, I was so pumped for it to come out this year! But now I can only look forward to ODST and Borderlands... and possibly Uncharted 2 if I get a PS3.
Probably never. That would appeal to the same crowd as WoW, and those people aren't going to pay for two MMOs.