Well... I want to change my gamertag. I really want it to be: Saxophon3hero. It is available, and I want to change it. I'm just wondering what you guys think, though... Some of those are stupid/ unorigional... oh well. I tried to do stuff with Saxophones, ninjas, or Villanova (FTW!) Any suggestions for a different one?
I wouldn't do any saxophones, you'll probably end up regretting it. Try making up something completely new and original, much like I did.
Why would I regret it? I can always change it back... I regret letting my brother make this one, because a bunch of people at school always annoy me about it... oh well. I'll think of some stuff.
you're probably better off going with that one. MS will most likely make you change it if you did SpartanSax 777 posts ..... woot?
Are all 30 of your posts spam? Jeez... well, Good for you! [/sarcasm] Sorry for the flame, but I hate spammers...