I've fixed the major **** ups by Frag Man. If i catch anyone spoiling the major story elements of a new game (without fair warning), i will SEVERELY punish them. The spoiler tags are there for a reason.
I've edited your post with spoiler tags and a warning, and removed any other reference to it. NEVER do that again.
These sources beg to differ. Now, if you mean you pirated the game. That's illegal activity and doesn' count. Or, you may have meant the shipping date which is earlier then the street date. Maybe you meant that GoW2 has gone gold? Eitheir way, Gears 2 is not out. So, shut the **** up and trying to ruin the experiance for everyone. I see you tried to spoil more parts of the game. When I saw this, I came to the conclusion that your just trolling. So, am I correct?
Christ Jesus. I just had to lay my eyes on everything JUST before TexturedSun removed it all. I hate you Frag...
The game has been out Unnoficcially for the past month, and yes, it is illegal to aquire said programs. But also, from what I hear, Certain mom and pop type video game stores have said "**** it" to the november 7 release date and have started selling them this week, its possible to actually get an online game now most likely
Right. This thread is being locked because its riddled with flaming. In an interesting twist of fate, i'm not going to infract anyone who flamed Frag Man, he deserved it in this instance. BUT i don't want to see any more flaming of him anywhere else. Or any flaming in general. :lock: