Galt's Gulch

Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by AtlasIsShruggin, Apr 18, 2011.

  1. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    "This is John Galt Speaking"

    Galt's Gulch is a Big Team Battle Map that is designed to bring the action fast and intense. Whenever I play BTB I'm always frustrated by how long it takes me to get from a spawn to where the action is. That's where Galt's Gulch was born into existence, when I was taking a long stroll across Spire.

    Galt's Gulch
    Video Note: The 'hole' at the edge of the map has been fixed​

    The Gulch has two large buildings on either side. On the top of each floor there are man cannons to propel you across the map and into the other base in approximately 2 seconds. That's right, you can cross the map in a matter of seconds. Each base features it's own style of close quarters combat, while the rest of the map features intense long distance violence and vehicular slaughter. Each base and team starts with 4 mongoose and one ghost. Each base is fully traversable with both of these vehicles. In the middle of the map you will find the sole warthog on the map. This also can be driven around either base.

    Each base starts out with 3 dmrs, 1 assault rifle, 1 magnum, 1 plasma pistol, 1 shotgun and 1 grenade launcher. In the middle you will find the sniper and on the caves at the edge you will find the rocket launcher.

    This map is a very fast paced map that brings the fun back into Big team battle. The map is also set up for CTF (Very enjoyable) and in King of the Hill, the Warthog is the hill.

    My friends and I are having a blast on this map and I hope you do as well!

    Weapons and Vehicles List
    2 Assault
    6 Dmrs
    2 Grenade Launcher
    2 Shotguns
    1 Sniper Rifle
    10 Frag Grenades
    1 Rocket Launcher
    2 Plasma Pistols
    8 Plasma Grenades
    8 Mongoose
    2 Ghosts
    1 Warthog

    Be sure to check out my other maps as well!














    #1 AtlasIsShruggin, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  2. raptororieon

    raptororieon Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    i think you have taken the pics too close i can't get an overview of the map you should post an overview picture :/

    oooh i was too fast the vid hadn't load up i saw the map there and it looks awesome :D
    #2 raptororieon, Apr 18, 2011
    Last edited: Apr 18, 2011
  3. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    This has fun written all over it. First let me say that I like the man cannon towers, they will make things even more crazy and interesting when you're flying across the map. Second, the bases look very well-constructed. Finally, I like that you changed things up a bit and made a BTB map. A weapons list and an overview would be help though. Other than that this looks promising.
  4. AtlasIsShruggin

    AtlasIsShruggin Forerunner

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    Thanks guys! I put a weapons list up for you guys and put them up on all my maps. Unfortunately I'm having problems with my internet so i any one needs to see a good overview just watch the video, it should give you a good idea!

    Thanks again!

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