one of my earlier maps, in which i had just learned how to interlock. So, on to the actual map. its asymetric in every way and is setup for almost all gametypes, excluding infection maybe, i cant exactly remeber. Its got 2 snipers towers opposite each other, a raised platform with interlocked ditches and lots of cover for ground combat. Bungie map post pics
well u met up to standards a good sign very good and the map doesnt looks that bad just a tad bit sloppy ill dl and check out asap good job
It's not bad for a first time map with interlocking, but it could be cleaned up a lot and have the boxes flipped upside down for smoother walkways. From the weapons I see, it looks like good placement for them. The tunnels should make some interesting gameplay too. Pretty good. 4/5
under average map, 2/5 nearly-no interlocking, all almost 1 level, etc etc....i suggest giving it some variety, instead of just plain-ness
For not much interlocking, it seems OK. I would improve what you can by interlocking now. Also you have very little info. Can you tell us some about the weapons?
again this was one of my beginning maps that im not very proud of, i just thought i might as well publish it. weapons-wise, i belive there 2 snipers, a gravhammer, needler, shotgun, ARs and Brs, machine gun turret, brute shot, spikers, all types of grenades cept for firbombs, bubble shield, and a regenerator. I haven't played it in awhile so that summary might be off by a weapon or 2.
Looks very nice, considering that you just learned how to interlock. Other than that, I am not sure if the gameplay would be very fun. It looks to open and there is nothing very eye catching.