
Discussion in 'Reach Competitive Maps' started by alreadyRogue, May 17, 2011.

  1. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Well, this map has been a long time in the making, almost two months i believe, and it is finally ready to be presented.

    Bear in mind this is my first competitive map posted, so its not going to be my best, or my last :)

    So, i finally present: Gallium

    This is a pseudo-symmetrical map with a center platform which acts as the dominating area of the map. Each team spawns on either side of this platform, and begins the fight to control it. As the match progresses fighting begins to occur on the upper hallway, which features a huge LoS and little cover, and in the back arcing room.

    As this map is pseudo-symmetrical, most aspects of one side can be found on the other, for example, te flooring of each of the pits, the height advantage, and the underpasses on each side, oh, and erupts sexay rocks are mirrored on the other side.

    Note, in red tunnel to purple room, if you look at the glass inbetween the 2 rock structures, you can see rocks in the background :)

    The map currently only supports slayer variants, but all other game-types scheduled to be completed this weekend:) sorry for the inconvenience if you wanted to play other game-types :)

    Oh, the slayer games it playes are: 3,4,5,6,7,8 man FFA, and 2v2,3v4,and4v4 TS
    My personal favorites are 3v3 TS aNd 6man FFA.

    Aesthetically, im very happy with how this map turned out, from the huge arcing room in the back to the focus rifle spawn, to the intricate piecework throughout the map. I think the map combines game play with aesthetics very well.

    Traversing the map requires a different style of movement, as the map has many trick jumps, tactical jumps, and slide jumps. Once you learn the layout of the map, movement throughout it feels very natural, and spacial recognition is spot on. If you have the chance to learn the map and get a feel for it, which i hope you do, i think you will have a blast on it.

    Note, @armor abilities, i personalky feel that all armor abilities have their own distinct advantages on this map. From the increased motility with jetpack to the sprint jumps, to armor locks obvious advantages, and well, hologram and aktiv camo are hologram and aktiv camo :p

    Now, pretty pictures (video soon to come):

    Initial Loadout Camera:

    Center platform to purple room:

    FR spawn (purple room) to center platform:

    Upper walkway (green hall)

    Red Pit:

    Blue Pit:

    Orange Pit / Green Walkway / Green Teleporter:

    Orange Tunnel

    Orange Tunnel to Green hall:

    Arcing back room (purple room):

    Purple Teleporter:

    Like i said before, video walkthrough and gameplay will be rendered and up soon :)

    Weapon list: (seconds/extra-clips)
    1-FR: 150s
    1-Grenade Launcher: 125sec/3clip
    3-NR: 30sec/3clip
    6-DMR: 20sec/2clip
    2-AR: 25sec/2clip
    2-Magnum: 25sec/3clip
    2-Plasma Pistol: 40sec
    2-Needler: 30sec/3clip
    1-Spiker: 30sec/3clip
    2-Health packs: 20sec

    erupt - sexay rocks on blue side
    Froxenlynx - layout edits and asthetic features
    Berb - layout and asthetics suggestions
    Broccollipie - asthetics and moral support
    Black Theorem - cover advice
    Noobles - general comments
    Sky - thourough flow help and in depth TG review
    Rorak - helped remove framerate issues
    Unoverrated - helped remove framerate issues
    And countless others who helped test (and i mean countless because this map probably had 30-40 test games on it)

    I really hope you all take the time to check out the map, learn it, and love it, like I do :)

    happy gaming - aR
    #1 alreadyRogue, May 17, 2011
    Last edited: Jun 13, 2011
  2. Psychoduck

    Psychoduck Spartan II
    343 Industries Cartographer Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Well, I only got to play this once, but this is definitely an impressive creation, especially for a first map. My favorite part about the map is how it maintains symmetry, but each side of the map is actually different. Congrats for adding a unique entry to the overflow of generic symmetrical 4v4 maps. Good work!
  3. Berb

    Berb Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    gallium is up? i remember us talking about how its taken you two months to finalize...
    IMO, the map is great, i love the overall look and just the little things, like the way the healthpacks look. the gameplay is very enjoying and the weapons set is great! nice job armadillo
  4. Eightball

    Eightball Forerunner
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Ah, I remember playing this map. It had a very good flow and no-one area of the map was overpowered, might I add you have a great weapons set. I also loved the aesthetics, as most of them were actually part of the map and not just thrown in once the map was complete. I especially loved the focus rifle spawn design, it is very aesthetically pleasing. This is your first map? I dun believe it ;) Great work.
  5. Minister Muffin

    Minister Muffin Forerunner
    Senior Member

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    Wow, just... Wow. It's amazing! I haven't seen a map with this many aesthetics or as good gameplay at all, especially with it being your FIRST competitive map! I played this before commenting, and all of the people in the game (including myself) loved it! This is truly a work of art! I can see you making some pretty sick maps in the future.
  6. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Wow lots of comments!! Im super stoked that you all enjoyy my map :)

    @sugar: yeah, i tried to make a map that had notable structures so that players can easily recognise the area of the map they spawn in and can easily call out to their trammates

    @psycho: yep, pseudo-symmetry:) some (frozenlynx) will dispute its legitimacy when talking of maps, but it perfectly decribes this map, as well as maps like reflection :)

    @berb: yeah, i absolutley cannot believe that it took me THAT long to finalize :). Unfortunatly, i had to remove the health pack asthetics cuz people coukdnt find them, and for me it comes down to gameplay>asthetics in the end:)

    @eightball: im super excited that you, someone who'se maps are known for their asthetics, likes my aesthetic work. Im flattered:) im really hope i can continue to work at this level.

    @max: im glad u and ur friends liked my map. i do feel my combination of aesthetics vs. Gameplay is good and i will definitly be realeasing more good stuff soon :)
  7. broccollipie

    broccollipie Ancient

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    lol @ moral support
    For a first map it is something to behold.
    I know you put a lot of time into this, and the result was worth it.
    You changed the weapon set a lot from the original, and I think it has definitely improved the gameplay.
    Nice post, too.
  8. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I remember working with unoverrated to remove framerate lag from here. I'll have to see how that's doin, eh? This was an enjoyable experience when I played on it, I'm hoping it's just that much better now.
  9. pyro

    pyro The Joker
    Senior Member

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    It's great seeing the progress you've made on this. The one thing I wish you hadn't taken out was the jump up where the focus rifle is now. I know you never seemed to make the jump, but I feel like there should be a third way out of the focus rifle spawn. Also it seemed like the previous aesthetic piece there fit with the curve of ramps better than what you have now.
    Anyways, it's great to see this finally posted. Sorry I couldn't stay to help longer last night, a few of my friends were expecting me on blops.
    #9 pyro, May 17, 2011
    Last edited: May 17, 2011
  10. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Rorak, sorry for not giving you credit, u were definitly a help and unoverrated's constant gameplay>aesthetics was really beneficial to the map, an in the final version it doesnt falter.

    Brox, yeah u were definitly something moral :)

    Yeah pyro its np last night :). My reasoning behind removing the jump up by FR spawn was to increase action in that part of the map, make the FR a more risky investmemt, and promote flow out of the center of the map, which is what it does well

    I may actually put an extreemly dificult jump up there, just for u :) but only if it keeps with the asthetic feel of the map :p
  11. 4shot

    4shot Bloodgulch
    Senior Member

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    I had fun destroying you on this map. It was pretty good, other than the part where Berb was afking. Of course, that probably wasn't his fault.

    It played pretty well. It almost reminded me of Wizard + Derelict with minor features of a bunch of random maps added in.
    #11 4shot, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  12. A Legit Taco

    A Legit Taco Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Amazing work, well done. The curved hallway has a cool feel to it, and I loved fighting in it.
    The dip-in to the tunnel is nice as well, as I had not noticed it when I was sprinting towards the grenade launcher, and got plasma pistol noob combo'd. Now the thing I really wanted to talk about is the Grenade Launcher trench. This is probably the most unique piece I have ever seen in a map. Those triangular platform y's (thats what I believe they are called) are excellent sources of cover and really add to aesthetics of the map. The rock wall is stunning.

    Kudo's to you for designing my favorite map, aesthetically and gameplay-wise.
    One more thing: what objects did you use for the pits? (I didn't have the time to look around it in forge.)

    #12 A Legit Taco, May 18, 2011
    Last edited: May 18, 2011
  13. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Hahaha 4shot, im pretty sure im garbage at actually fighting, so its not much of a feat to beat me in battle:p just ask chron, broccollipie, and every single person in the shoutout list:)

    Favorite map:) oshit. Thanks so much for your comments on the map. It definitly helps me decide what kind of pieces and themes are good for my next map!! Yeah, if you are playing against other people who know tje map as well as you, the gameplay is very interesting. Someome, i cant remember who, said it feels like a room based map but it plays like a map woth very long LoS.

    Oh, the pits are 2 tower talls layered so u get the nice color band :)
  14. Soul Slasher

    Soul Slasher Forerunner

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    Being one of mah favorites, the layout is great, weapons play nice, and... Basically how every map should be.
    I really like the slopejumps you have. They pratically make the map that much cooler. Alongside teh focus rifa, which in this case... zomg pwnzz. This is going to be well recognized, i can tell!
  15. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Wow. I cant believe the comments some of you are making:D
    Soul slasher i know when u played on it with me u said you likes some features but i didnt know the community wouldnlike it THIS much. But to be fair it DID take me 2 months to build, so im haooy my work paid off!!

    Lol 4shot, im glad mah mapzors providednthe perdect playing space for u to absolutley dominate on. I hope you all had an easy time learning the map, i think i did a good job providing visual cues so that spacial awareness is easy and natural.

    Again, thank you all so much for those comments, i cant wait to release new maps for u all to enjoy:)
  16. Caucasian Invasion

    Caucasian Invasion Forerunner

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    Very nice map! I really like this map rogue, its very unique. I like your clever use of those large walkways, and i especially love your vivid colors. This map should be able to be navigated pretty easily which is good too. I gave it a dl but havent tried a game on it yet, but it looks like it'll have some interesting gameplay. (in a good way;) ) anyways nice job! 9.5/10
  17. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    Perhaps you should reread this. I'm not sure you realize how dickish it sounds. Who gives a compliment as nice as voting for a person's map for FHF, only to degrade it by saying that it's not as good as x & y's maps and is not "completely worthy"? Either vote for it because you think it deserves it, or don't vote for it at all. If you like two other maps better, stop being an indecisive ninny and pick one...besides, you're allowed 3 votes aren't you?

    OT: Glad you finally posted this man, I know you've put a ton of work into it. I didn't even realize it was your first map. The changes you've made since I first started talking to you are excellent and you've really taken the constructive criticism received to heart when doing so. Count on my vote for FHF- no strings attached.
    #17 Frozenlynx, May 19, 2011
    Last edited: May 19, 2011
  18. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    Eh, its fine lynx, i see where 4shot was coming from, but i do wish he had better intentions when nominating gallium:/

    Anyways, i know u saw gallium in a super early phase of geometry, with bad framerate lag, crowded areas, and campable teleporters, and its cool that u have been abke to see thw map grow and develop over the weeks. Im sincerely greatfull for the nomination and im glad u feel gallium is truly worth such an honor. Thanks man!
  19. Frozenlynx

    Frozenlynx Forerunner

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    That was my point really..I get that there are maps that may or may not be better depending on one's opinion and that's fine...but to openly express that you're choosing a map you don't think deserves a nom/win because of indecisiveness regarding the ones you do think deserve to kinda rubs me the wrong way. They should just keep the stipulations to themselves if that's the case. As a side note, I would have made the same comment regardless of who made the map in question.

    OT (again): Obviously you're getting a lot of responses to this map, but I was just looking at your thumbnail and it seems sort of bland..are there any better pictures that would make the map stand out more to people who haven't heard/seen the map while they are scrolling through?
    #19 Frozenlynx, May 20, 2011
    Last edited: May 20, 2011
  20. alreadyRogue

    alreadyRogue Forerunner

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    umm, what angle do u think would be more helpful, i was thinking maybe a shot of the middle platform??

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