<><>Galleon Ship<><> Halo 3 File Details Author: T4K Shadow (Destroyer7793) Gametypes: Team slayer Map: Sandbox This is a replica of a cLassic Galleon ship, it has a deck, a stern, a captains chamber, a storage bay, a wheel, a pier, and even a hornet. Although it is playable with team slayer or FFA, i built it for asthetics. It took me around 8-10 hours, im not really sure exactly. Okay, with that out of the way, here is a video of all the screenhots: YouTube - Halo 3: Sandbox Galleon Ship[/COLO"]400 Bad Request[/COLO"]400 Bad Request[/COLO"]400 Bad Request[/COLO"]400 Bad Request[/COLO"]400 Bad Request[/COLO"]400 Bad Request[/COLO"]400 Bad Request[/COLO"]400 Bad Request And here are the pictures by themselves: Overview 2: Overview 3: Overview 4: Overview 5: Blue bunker: Decking: Top area: Shotgun spawn: CArgo hold: Captains chamber: To show you the size compared to an elite: 2 Overview pictures without the effects: Okay, that was the pictures, please feel free to give feedback, any help to improve this map would be greatly appreciated, thanks Download incase you missed it up top: Halo 3 File Details <><>T4K Shadow<><> UPDATE: Infection Version is finally released, Infected Galleon Infection Gametype: Galleon Haunting Pictures of The infection version: [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL] [/URL]
wow great boat map, i was wanting to be the first to make a boat =[ oh well this is really good, i think you should take out the black light though, its so difficult to play on maps like that and very annoying, but the map is really good, and you should add another boat that you can jump to one another, like a boat battle and put turrets at the very bottom of the boat so it is like cannons
That was my original idea, but when i started building it i realised that i wouldnt have enough objects, it makes me sad :'(
dude thats a great boat 5/5 but is it playable? and u should think abut making a secound boat for awesome pirate adventures! lol no rly, is u made a second boat it could be a really good competitive map with the bridges going across boat to boat and territiories. It would rule. Definite dl. great job
or mybe some scorpions just a couple though gauss hogs could work to this map looks good really good i like the wheel you made from teleporters very creative maybe you could add smaller escape boats on the side if you can
I dont think Galleons had lifeboat things, please remember that this is supposed to be a replica, maybe if it was a modern ship then i would add little boats, but thanks for the feedback, greatly appreciated
daaaaaaaaang you beat me to making a boat map XD anyways, looks great! could work well for machinima too. merging looks good, and the port looks good too! is there anything in the port? anyways, 5/5/good job!
Yes, at the end of the pier there is a "bunker, and in there is a hornet, but dont worry, theres a laser on the boat. UPDATE: Here is a video i made, it is all the screenshots from the OP, put into a minute long vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPI597E0XI4
Only thing I see a problem with is the camping that will go on in the captains quaters. Unless I'm seeing it incorrectly, there is only one way in or out. Try something like a slight hole above it or have fusion coils to make it easier to stop a camper. Kind of like the room in the pit having those two slits. Otherwise very well made! Great job!
Another boat map... apparently from the same guy! I liked Docks, but this one looks a lot better. Too bad you can't make another one. This does look great on it's own, but you should make it for KotH. But it doesn't really matter seeing as this is in the ascetics section. 5/5 Maybe next you could try your hand in the spaceship genre?
Deathhawk7 don't advertise your own map..... anyway to the map it looks really cool and well forged but why is the dock below the boat Physics Fail! Anyway good map
Its not, its just because galleons were big, and so the deck will be higher than the pier, thanks anyway
Very nice map! I played this so many times with so many friends! I love how the steering wheel glows, it looks so metallic! 5/5 What a great map, I wish I could keep this but the stupid 100 custom item limit!
*starts to play im on a boat* haha looks really awesome. i think the bottom area could use a little work if you wanted to play infection on this... and then that would be awesome... the zombs spawn in the dock area and try to storm the ship..... anyways cool looking map. nice idea too