My problem with designing maps is that I run out of ideas too quickly. I design this area that I really like, but cannot finish the design because I run out of ideas. So, this time around, I mashed all of the areas I have created and liked together around a hexagonal center, and I think it turned out very well. However, Gala was not an ill prepared map that I just threw together one day. I put a lot of thought into it. I wanted to have two power positions that were both easily assaulted and defended. They are easily assaulted via the gridded walls, you can throw grenades, and if you're lucky, get a shot off through them. They are easily defended because of the fairly small chokepoints used to enter them directly. If you choose to rush strait in, you're almost sure to die. But still, the power positions advantage's need to be lessened. Here's where my serious thinking comes in. I have 2 sender and 2 receiver nodes leading between the two side rooms for easy travel to and from the less powerful positions. However, if you need to quickly travel from one of the power positions you have to cut through the middle, the most dangerous area in the map. Players will most likely get caught in a big loop from teleporter to teleporter and deprive anyone in the power positions of kills, drawing them out. Also, to collect any of the power weapons, you must leave the power positions. The Sniper Rifle and Grenade Launcher are both just outside of safety's reach. The Camo is in the center, clearly visible and will draw players out of high positions. The Health Pack and Plasma Pistol are also located on the bottom floor. Special Thanks Nibs You're the only reason I finished this. You and you're motivational speeches. I also must thank you for taking the screenshots for me. I, luckily, got one through. <3 Chron You stalked my File Share and looked at this beauty all the way through it's Forge cycle and motivated me to finish it. I hope you're proud of its outcome. Thanks for all the kind words n stuff. <3
ahahahahahah. I was actually extremely impressed with the connection and that held up as well as it did earlier when you joined. It still looked pretty awesome even in non-real time, right?
omigod! This is amazing Erupt, easily you're most pretty map yet! From the pics and all this is just... Mind = Blown. That rock wall with, what are those (platform y's?) going down the wall looks really good. Sometimes when I make something like that I always think eh... the community might think this doesn't fit, but clearly you perfected that rock wall with all of its smoothliness. One thing that seemed meh to me was those railing pieces between those two block 1x4's, other than that absolutely amazing work.
Thank you, sir. The objects creating the color on the rock wall were ooriginally Platform Ys, but I neede more bridges so I replaced them with Windows/Door Doubles. And if you're talking about the same railings I'm thinking then those are there to give the wall a gridded effect so you can throw grenades through. What kind of name isn't Gala?
So what you're saying is that Erupt gave you a boner? Anyways, this is easily your most interesting and best designed map yet Erupt. Also, the aesthetics are great. The map basically feels like Ambiance with a better layout. The design actually reminds me a bit of Condemned. Can't wait to play it and see if the gameplay is asgood as it looks to be.
Gala looks quite impressive, Erupt. I cant say that I see a thing I don't like and the way you describe the reasoning behind everything and the positioning of the stronger points and weapons sounds to be very promising. Id love to be a part of a testing session on this map, or play the end result.
Looked good when I saw it unfinished. You're stupid for not finishing that one longshot picked up. I think my respect for you has come back to neutral now. We should co sometime
Ahaahhahahahahahahah. Thanks, though. I based the layout a tiny bit off of Ambiance, and whereas spawning may work better, I can guarantee it isn't a better design than Ambiance. Umm.. I don't really know Condemned's layout, I have played it a mere two times, I think. Thank you, sir. Feel free to add me, I'd love to get you and anyone else in on a test. The more feedback the better. You saw it? I though I booted you fast enough. lol, no I was on a satellite connection and didn't feel like explaining (again, I already had once...) why you were lagging so bad. But thanks. Annnnnd I think Longshot and I are gonna do that one together. I need someone to help finish out the design and to regulate my attempts to make it too pretty. It's up to him though... AND YOU DIDN'T RESPECT ME? WTFUX? I always assumed that we would at some point. Anyways. I finished the spawns today and ran a few games on it. They went really well. Er... Mostly. First one had bad spawns, but I fixed them easily. Second went perfectly and third... Shotty Sniper FFA. Trolololololololololoolo. I removed Camo, Sniper and Grenade Launcher and left it with a neutral Concussion Rifle. I'll probably end up add a sniper or two as well.
Wow! This is something original, this is what I like about Reach's Forge, so many different ways to make a map. And this one is looking awesome, I love the rock walls, I haven't seen that idea before. Erupt, you sir, just mind blew me =P
Well this was fun to play on. Now I want to do a 2v2 or 3v3 here though. I don't like your choice of just having a concussion rifle and no other power weapons. Try putting something else (neutral shade, lol) in the center instead.
Haha, well I've seen them done before. Maybe not exactly like I did them, but they have been done before me. Thanks, though! 2v2 is fantastic on here Haha. I still like the Conc. Rifle. I think it fits well on Gala. Also, I found out why the spawns were messing up. Some spawns had overlapping weak zones on them so you'd spawn there regardless of whether on enemy was in the room. So yeah. Fixed that. Anyways, thanks for all the comments guys, I'll make a big update soon!
Fail Like the map, i already told you that i think its something really unique. I only played 1-2 games of FFA, and even with that, there was a lot of movement around the map, and i think every weapon was used at least once. so thats nice. I need to be on more to play this 5billion times Yea, i just noticed you put a preview for this up....
Is this the map you said was based off of my map Radius? Looks very nice. Clean forging, good design. Good work here.
*crypto nv takes a deep sniff* Smell that erupt? It's the scent of new video heading your way... Wtflolmao looks good.
Thank you, sir. I'm glad you like it and stuff. And yes, you do need to be on more. I guess I kinda do too. Your fail was a much bigger fail than my fail. <3 Well, yeah. You're Octagon-shaped center inspired me to try a Hexagon-shaped one. I bet mine was waaaaaaay more difficult, though. ;D But yeah, thanks a lot, Noxy. I won't ask it of you this time, but if you offer I'll gladly accept. lol Thanks man, means a lot.