G.O.T.Y. Ahhh what i year for gaming. Many amazing games. MGS4, GOW2, LBP, and much more. Just comment on your pick for Game of the Year. Mine would probably be World of Goo for the Wii. Now discuss your pick!
Sorry to be harsh, and sudden but there are already many threads for this. I see you're a new user so its ultimately not your fault. Next time just make sure to use the 'search' bar before making a thread so its not a duplicate.
He doesn't want you to be warned by Mods or Staff or even Admin. You will mature when it comes to posting. It happens to everybody when they first join.
geez,you say he was being mean. I can tell you did that on purpose if all you want to do is act like that then your time on forgehub is nothing but a waste for us all. you have been reported,now tighten up or youll be banned in no time.
Please do not insult other members guys. Be nice to each other. Since there are already threads like this that exist, and this thread is going nowhere good, it will be getting a lock.