you just arent as active in G&A, and if you want me to be totally truthful, I think of you as a wannabee....
Well then... w/e. It's cool. Thanks for being honest but next time a little sugar coating wouldn't hurt.
Thoughts of someone don't matter, Sdrak. I Vote for the staff to pick. That will end this pathetic conquest of you people's for the right to pick people in an unjust way.
well...not to say that staff dont have faves too.... like just look at alby (no offense alby) he has loyal (congrats alby) and they wil just listen to him
Either one of those work. I would rather accept Staff's favs as opposed to yours. They own the whole site anyways. And besides, they are probably less biased towards certain people. Either those or a random raffle pick.
True... W/e. I'm not into halo dat much anyway. I haven't played in like 2 weeks cuz I've been talkin to u guys. Anyway it's cool, w/e u guyz decide iz gunna be good.
Ok. This thread is just spam. If you want to talk more about it, i suggest going here. We're discussing it right now. Its a live chat with me. IT takes all but five seconds to signup. there's no email verifaction. - albyhouse's channel - Live Streaming Video
I'd do this except I'd probably be out&partying during this time. Sorry folks, there goes your autowin.
This thread makes me lose faith in humanity. 1 Leader- PlugIn 3 players 3 players 3 players 10 guys. K?