Hey everyone, this may be slightly off topic but i think it does belong here. As you may know FNF takes place every other friday to TGIF, i've been told there's a lack of challenges and im interested. Is anyone else interested in making a FNF team? Team Name suggestions? i will set up a social group for us if enough are willing to join the team! I am more interested in the more experienced and active in G&A board people. sign and discuss. so far: PlugInFiend - QKT Smeagle Hari - Hari1170 xx Al Capwnage xx Sdrakulich - XxsdrakulichxX Juggernaut448 - Juggernaut448
I'd love to be a part of this!!! GT XxsdrakulichxX I'm sort of active on the GFX forums, as i post C&C's, and I have a sig shop
You can't have a GFX team without meh! My gamertag is the same as my name. I think our team name should be GFX on a stick.
No Diz, it should be; The Followers of Smeagle. I have the most posts here anyways. As for my GT~FRESH PLASMA
GFsex would be good. And I dont think anyone else should ask. I believe there are enough people already.
GFsex would be perfect. Depending on how many staff members compete we should equal that of course. And has this actually been approved?
so wait...the list you first posted up is the people who are surely on....I would HATE it if I got removed because of favorites....that would suck...w/e and my vote for team name goes to...*drum roll* GFSex!!! what about a team motto? "We'll pop a GIMP in your ass!" any other suggestions?
Before anyone gets too excited about working out the details, WE NEED TO ASK THE STAFF FOR THEIR APPROVAL.