I challenge Hari to make a dark colored ODST sig with Star of Knights on it and ForgeHub Testers Guild under it
Is that a challenge mister? And if you don't have to be good at art, why should we? Give some time to look for my hand sketch. I haven't done anything proffesional for a long time, so it's all I've got right now.
just wondering because i havent checked this thread since it first started.. has anyone challenged me?
you you want me to render a spongebob picture? awesome! lol. or did you want me to make a sig from a spongebob render? btw im in hawaii and i will be back next saturday, so i will file that away til then
Here you are HPM. I apologize for the quality, my scanner was so shitty I had to darken the hand three times before it could scanned. So, it's not as good as it originally was. Edit: Better quality.
You wanted me to draw it? From what you said I thought you wanted me to make a sig from something that is already drawn. Misinterpretation. Anyways, just CnC the sig so we have a spot open for challenges. UPDATE!! I am making a list for people who are going to be busy, or just don't want to participate in this. If you think you might be busy for a while or, don't want to participate, please PM or VM me and I will add you to the list. DO NOT POST IT ON THIS THREAD! The thread is already suffering from alot of spam. If you have any questions just PM/VM me.
6/10 First the border doesn't seem to work for me. The picture doesn't seem to blend in to well with the background and the picture is very pixelated. I understand though that it is hand drawn. Also, I like the effects of the background, buy it could be more blended with goku. Oh and the text...doesn't seem to fit.
i challenge reaper to make a pop-out sig, with a theme of... Magic: the gathering! oh and could someone find me a Spongebob render? i dont really have time, il look though if someone could help, i would appreciate it