If there was any way to do this it'd be like sex on a stick. I'm sick of making a great map and then realising I can't get a large number of people to play it.
Good idea, but it's not realistic. What if the game was a fail? How could they just through it in MM. I would like to see some community stuff in MM. Thoses kind of maps and games would have to be well tested though. I don't think they would just throw in any old map and game. I would like to see some well tested games variants such as; Conquest, Battle Tracks, RaceTracks, etc for Reach.
Custom Playlists you can make by choosing 10 maps and the gametypes to go with them. Enable or Disable Vetoing. It picks a random map + the corresponding gametype.
a big tree with laser beams that kill people or like little AI babies crawlin round with jetpacks strapped to them that shout out random phrases
No base maps, allows you to create ANY kind of map that you want, similar to the Halo Editing Kit for Halo Custom Edition (PC).
Well for the water tool to be implemented properly, there could be a terrain editor (no, not raising the land or making a large hole in the ground) where you change the area in itself whether it be lava, water, spikes, jello? or any other type of matierial.. The idea is from Tony Hawk park editor. This would really help forge because you could easily make fall/ death pits for maps and you could easily cut off certain parts of the map if you don't need them. Edit: This wouldn't be used on forge objects, rather the default environment of the map itself.
Agreed. Although I have a great idea on how to implement water now. There will be another section called Features, which will include a terrain editor and such.
A vehicle only door, a weighted door that needs a certain amount of people on a wall or something similar
It sounds cool, but you have to think about what would be effective in a game. Keep coming up with those ideas, though. I have more ideas of my own on the way.
Guardian Turrets. There is a Guardian Zone and a Guardian Emitter that work on Channels, similar to Teleporters. Gaurdian Emitters These are pretty much metal rectangular prisms with a yellowish square in the upper half. These shoot the Gaurdian Blasts, and there are a few customizable options. You can place these anywhere, like on the roof, on a tower, etc. Blast Color: Orange [Default] - Blue - Etc. Sets the color of the blast shot from Emitter. Light Color: Orange [Default] - Blue - Etc. Sets the color of the square, and light glare if activated. Light: Disabled - Small Focus [think of a laser pointer in a dusty room, bigger of course] - Medium Focus [Imagine a flashlight's beam... Larger of course] - Wide Focus [Default] Damage: - Instant Kill [Default] - 100%[Like getting sniped] - 200% [Would kill you w/ overshields] - Etc. [How much damage the gaurdian does] Warning Duration: - None - 5 [Default] - 10 - 20 - 30 - 45 - Etc. [How long it warns you with beeps until it caps yo ass.] Gaurdian Channel: - 0 - 1 - 2 - etc. [Channel of witch Gaurdian Zone it corresponds] Gaurdian Zones These work similarly to Hill zones in the way they can be manipulated. Shape: - Square - Circular - Ovular - Etc. [Shape of Guardian Zone] Direction: - In - Out [Inside of the shape, or outside of the shape?] *Insert size manupilation controls here* Gaurdian Channel: - 0 - 1 - 2 - etc.
A switch door that works by channels. You place a door and a switch and set them to channel 1 let's say. Activate the switch and the door opens/closes.
You explain that perfectly, Undead. I'll definantly add that idea in when I get a chance. I'll also be adding in ideas from the other pages. Like map skins, other merges, etc.