Future Forge

Discussion in 'Halo and Forge Discussion' started by Rorak Kuroda, Dec 13, 2009.

  1. HydroZoid

    HydroZoid Ancient
    Senior Member

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    i dont think any of the auto merge boxes are really necessary, but what id love to see is a shave tool.

    like a box or sphere that causes portions of the map (default sections too) to dissapear when they touch the tool. this could be used to create a corner on the large sandbox dune instead of a hill, and start an infinite possibility of single objects.

    like maybe turning a double box into a figure 8 by shaving off the middle side sections, and insides of the 8=o
    or shave off sections of a block to make a hoop =O

    course this would only work if all objects were solids, not frames.

    oh! almost forgot, id love to have push buttons or tripwires.
    like when a player passes a certain point something will happen, like an object will spawn or explode.

    not a literal tripwire just something you can invisibly edit.

    this would be really useful for games where objects spawn based on where a player is, rather then trying to time how long it takes him to get there. like in some infection maps, where the humans try to push forward.
    #21 HydroZoid, Dec 13, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 13, 2009
  2. Rorak Kuroda

    Rorak Kuroda Up All Night
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    I don't even know what you mean by that.

    Anyways, all of your ideas are great. Soon I'll edit the first post to include all of the well thought-out ideas. Keep it up, and be creative! :D
  3. cheesenipsaregood

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    i meant a loop that you can drive on and not flip over.
    maybe make crates that when you break them weapons are inside
    i like the instant clear option though
  4. Kilr0n

    Kilr0n Ancient
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    Hmm I don't want re-sizeable items or a paint brush thing. I short of thing of Forge like Xbox 360, and the way a lot of people seem to want Forge to be as the Wii. Xbox has high development costs, while any retard can go out and make a Wii game. Of course there are still a lot of crappy games for the Xbox, but it's not half as bad as the Wii. This would be just like forge. Are there a ton of crappy made maps? Of course. But imagine what it would be like with all these new tools people want. There would be even more crappy maps.

    What I'm saying is the difficulty of Forge makes it so only people that are dedicated to at least trying to make a good map can come up with something good.

    But things I would like are a button to snap to 90 degrees, a snap-to-grid button with maybe a resizable grid, and not a texture brush, but just more variety, as well as MORE movable objects, as that really pissed me off in Sandbox. Everyone was whining for more immovable objects and as a result they had almost no movable objects. But I say leave out buttons and options to geomerge and interlock.
  5. cheesenipsaregood

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    you know i just thought if forge becomes too easy people might always beg to be party leader and put on a crappy map they think is good because they interlocked
  6. PulseKiller

    PulseKiller Ancient
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    Every piece starting as a white block, and then from there you can edit it much like a respawn area or hill, making it a circle, triangle, or rectangle and being able to edit the dimensions. From there, there is a list of textures and colors that you can select for the block. This would be the most efficient and the simplist way to make forge, but I know it will never happen.
  7. cheesenipsaregood

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    what about things like obelisks or fins? how could you get those?
  8. Imnickjames13

    Imnickjames13 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Doorway with a grav lift on instant respawn placed on a weapon holder.

    Put teleporter sender nodes across your doorway

    I agree with multicolored lights. Or even just add a yellow/gold one and correct how colored objects (powerups and light) combine (blue + yellow powerups equal green not whitish and blue light interlocked with red light equals a deep violet not light pink)
  9. BraveDave

    BraveDave Ancient
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    I think it would be cool to have a huge block (the size of the crypt) that you can cut away from(sort of like carving) then a paint tool to paint it with.
  10. Haris

    Haris Ancient

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    I would really like to have bots added. They could be Jackels and Grunts, or maybe even a customizable bot!
  11. Organite

    Organite Journalist
    Senior Member

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    Is it too much to ask for a bloody undo button. that's all I ever wanted. I hate it when I accidentally delete one of the objects behind the object I'm holding.
    Maybe a request to save before you quit.
    Then more color filters will be nice.
  12. MousseMooseROCKS

    Senior Member

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    A snap button. Snap snap snap. Not just for grids, but for other objects! Snap snap snap.
  13. Noxiw

    Noxiw Ancient
    Senior Member

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    Cause and effect / if then system = win.

    If ______ is "picked up" .. "within 30" then "spawn"
    ................."destroyed" .."within 60" ......."despawn"
    ................."used" ........."within "90" ......"destroy"
    ................."etc" ..........."within 120" ......"etc"
    ...................................."within etc"

    If "Defender's Warthog" is "destroyed" "within 30 seconds" then "spawn" "Defender's Grav Hammer".

    "Etc" meaning more options. If applied correctly I feel a cause and effect system / if, then, system could be amazing in forge.

    Also, No-clip without using a glitch.
  14. Black Theorem

    Black Theorem Ancient
    Forge Critic Senior Member

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    Having an undo button would require maps to memorize where each and every block was and how it was positioned, sorta like a ghost of a teardrop saved. This could possibly skyrocket the amount of data required to be saved when a map is stored in your hard drive. in the Halo 3 engine, at least, this could mean less maps allowed to be saved and/or the amount of objects allowed on a given map.
  15. IDave the Rave

    IDave the Rave Ancient
    Senior Member

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    ANGLE SNAPPING TOOLS! And I'd also love some program for the computer where you can design a map just like in Sketchup, and then hit a button and when you go on your xbox BANG your design is downloaded.
  16. cheesenipsaregood

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    Imagine how hard it would be to make 1 double block
  17. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    • Buttons to turn Physics off. (For interlocking, Geomerging and floating)
    • Options to turn each weapon into a turret, and to limit there angle.
    • Infinite Objects. (Don't complain and go all "waaa too much lagg, waaa" because it's pretty obvious only an idiot would spam so many objects that there's major lagg.
    • More time options.

    More to come.
  18. cheesenipsaregood

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    double blocks on avalanche type maps that dont have the cut off corners
  19. Beefi

    Beefi Ancient
    Senior Member

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    An option to group immovable objects together so they act like 1 object
  20. Dreaddraco2

    Dreaddraco2 Ancient
    Senior Member

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    • Option to enable/disable guardians
    • Option to have Custom-Powerup Areas, where those traits apply if you're in them.
    • Custom Powerup Channels so you can have 10 different powerup effects (and let you choose the colour for the powerup!)
    • Cranes. You can move the crane, and operate it like a vehicle, Lower, Raise, Open and Close the crane. Eventually a crane can crush a vehicle.
    • Options to apply powerups (with their seperate channels) to weapons and vehicles, that apply while you're in them. (E.g., for "class" games, you just pick up a weapon and gain a powerup corresponding to it, for example pick up a gravity hammer and gain overshields and a small speed boost)
    • Effects where you place an area somewhere, and a player-damaging event applies to it, e.g. it might constantly be on fire, or it might have meteors raining down on it.
    • Set blast damage and radius of explosives (including equipment)
    • Man Cannon Sender and receiver channels, the sender throws objects towards the receiver.
    • "Ghost" Objects which appear as normal objects but can be walked through (unless interlocked with non-ghost objects, then only the non-interlocked parts are non-collidable) in forge mode it's easy to tell the difference
    • Colour themes! Drag them onto an object, (E.g. drag a flood theme onto a double block) and it appears like that theme (in this example, the block would appear with flood-themed textures, and possibly those things on isolation you can pop.
    • AI Bots. (Offensive, Defensive (you apply an "area", anything walking into it is attacked, mobile bots patrol it), neutral (attack anything)) E.G., Automated Turrets, Brutes, Elites, Flood, Spartans.
    • Apply custom textures to objects, these custom textures are uploaded to Bungie, analysed for bad content, then if it goes through, you can use a "texture browser" in-game to find your (or someone else's) texture content.
    • Elephants.
    • Drivable Phantoms and Pelicans. That's pretty much what everyone wants.
    • Ability to change vehicle health and speed, and other similar stats.
    • On-Screen messages once you step on something (Which have to be analysed by Bungie first!)
    • More Dynamic and interactive objects, e.g. ropes to climb (or swing on), fans which blow air upwards and propel people into the air (similar to gravity lifts), elevators (operatable buttons), Doors with buttons or even codes that are required, etc.
    #40 Dreaddraco2, Dec 14, 2009
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2009

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